What does the name Aparijita mean? What is the meaning of the name Aparijita
Meaning of Aparijita: Name Aparijita in the Indian origin, means 1. Underfeated; unsurpassed ; the one who cannot be defeated. 2. A naga son of Kasyapa and Kadru (M. Bh.) 3. Name of a Pure, beautiful flower; Name Of A Flower. Name Aparijita is of Indian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Aparijita are usually Hindu by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Aparijita: 1. Underfeated; unsurpassed ; the one who cannot be defeated. 2. A naga son of Kasyapa and Kadru (M. Bh.) 3. Name of a Pure, beautiful flower; Name Of A Flower
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SISTERS: Sibling Sister names for Aparijita
BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Aparijita
Famous people with name Aparijita (Namesakes)
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Krittika Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Aparijita Numerology: Name Aparijita has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
Learn how to Spell Aparijita Name in Other Languages
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Birthday wishes for Aparijita
How to Wish a Happy Birthday to Aparijita
Aparijita's birthday is a remarkable occasion that deserves thoughtful and heartfelt wishes. Whether he's a close friend, a family member, or a colleague, the perfect birthday message can make his day even more special. From warm, sincere greetings to fun, playful wishes, this section provides a variety of ideas to convey your affection, admiration, and joy for Aparijita on his big day.
Happy Birthday, Aparijita! Wishing you a year full of success, happiness, and unforgettable moments. May this special day bring you joy and may all your dreams come true. Enjoy every minute of it!
Aparijita, Happy Birthday! Another year older, but not a year less awesome. I hope your day is filled with love, laughter, and everything that makes you happiest. Here's to an amazing year ahead!
Happy Birthday, Aparijita! You bring so much light to everyone around you. May your day be as bright and wonderful as your heart. Cheers to more laughter, adventures, and memories this year!
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