What does the name Aoife mean? What is the meaning of the name Aoife
Meaning of Aoife: Name Aoife means The one filled with love, radiance and kindness. Name Aoife is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Aoife (Namesakes)
- Aoife Mulholland
Aoife Mulholland ( EE-fə; Irish: [ˈiːfʲə]; born 29 May 1978) is an Irish actress and musical theatre performer from Salthill, Galway.
- Aoife O'Donovan
Aoife O'Donovan ( EE-fə; Irish: [ˈiːfʲə];) born November 18, 1982 in Newton, Massachusetts, is a Grammy award winning Irish-American singer and songwriter.
- Aoife Hoey
Aoife Hoey (born 6 September 1983) is an Irish bobsledder who has competed since 2004.
- Aoife O'Connor
- Aoife Mannion
- Aoife Budd
Aoife Maud Budd (born 10 May 1980) is a former Irish international cricketer who represented the Irish national team between 2000 and 2001.
- Aoife Beggs
Aoife Beggs (born 23 October 1999) is an Irish cricketer.
- Aoife Walsh
Aoife Walsh (born 2 August 1989) is a fashion model and former Miss Ireland from Tipperary, Ireland.
- Aoife O'Rourke
Aoife O'Rourke (born 2 July 1997) is an Irish amateur boxer.
- Aoife Dooley
Aoife Dooley (born 14 April 1991), is an Irish writer, illustrator, comedian and graphic designer.
- Aoife Valkyrie
Aoife Cusack (born October 23, 1996) is an Irish professional wrestler currently signed to WWE, where she mainly performs on the NXT UK brand, and some NXT house shows, under the ring name Aoife Valkyrie.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Aoife Numerology: Name Aoife has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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