What does the name Antonin mean? What is the meaning of the name Antonin
Meaning of Antonin: Name Antonin in the Latin, Polish, Czech origin, means Latin - Priceless, Inestimable; A variant of name is Anthony. Name Antonin is of Latin, Polish, Czech origin and is a Boy name. People with name Antonin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Antonin (Namesakes)
- Antonín Panenka
Antonín Panenka (born 2 December 1948) is a Czech former footballer who played as an attacking midfielder.
- Jan Antonín Duchoslav
Jan Antonín Duchoslav (born 1 May 1965, Prague) is a Czech actor.
- Antonín Dušek
Antonín Dušek (born April 8, 1986 in Havlíčkův Brod, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech professional ice hockey player.
- Antonín Buček
Antonín Buček (born 24 February 1984 in Ostrava) is a Czech football player who currently plays for FC Odra Petřkovice.
- Antonín Rosa
Antonín Rosa (born 12 November 1986) is a Czech football midfielder currently playing for FC Oberlausitz Neugersdorf.
- Antonín Fantiš
Antonín Fantiš (born 15 April 1992) is a professional Czech football player currently plays for FC Fastav Zlín.
- Antonín Žalský
Antonín Žalský (Czech pronunciation: [ˈantoɲiːn ˈʒalskiː]) is a Czech shot putter.
- Antonín Mlejnský
Antonín Mlejnský (born 17 May 1973 in Czechoslovakia) is a Czech former football player.
- Antonín Holub
Antonín Holub (born 8 March 1986) is a professional Czech football player who played in the Czech First League for SK Kladno.
- Antonín Kachlík
Antonín Kachlík (born 26 February 1923) is a Czech film director and screenwriter.
- Antonín Presl
Antonín Presl (born 6 August 1988) is a Czech football player who currently plays for Táborsko in the Czech 2.
- Antonín Barák
Antonín Barák (born 3 December 1994) is a professional Czech football midfielder who plays for Serie A side Lecce on loan from Udinese and the Czech Republic national team.
- Antonín Růsek
Antonín Růsek (born 22 March 1999) is a Czech footballer who currently plays as a forward for FC Zbrojovka Brno.
- Antonín Vaníček
Antonín Vaníček (born 22 April 1998) is a professional Czech football midfielder currently playing for Bohemians 1905 in the Czech First League.
- Antonín Jelínek
Antonín Jelínek (born 4 November 1956) is a Czech wrestler.
- Antonín Kříž (biathlete)
Antonín Kříž (born 24 August 1953) is a Czech biathlete.
- Antonín Křapka
Antonín Křapka (born 22 January 1994) is a professional Czech football defender playing for FK Mladá Boleslav in Czech First League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Antonin Numerology: Name Antonin has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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