What does the name Antonia mean? What is the meaning of the name Antonia?
Meaning of Antonia: Name Antonia in the Latin origin, means A beautiful human being who are praiseworthy. Name Antonia is of Latin origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Antonia (Namesakes)
- Antonia Novello
Antonia Coello Novello, M.D., (born August 23, 1944) is a Puerto Rican physician and public health administrator.
- Antonia Fraser
Lady Antonia Margaret Caroline Fraser, (née Pakenham; born 27 August 1932) is a British author of history, novels, biographies and detective fiction.
- Antonia Kidman
Antonia Kidman (born 14 July 1970) is an Australian journalist and TV presenter, and the younger sister of the actress Nicole Kidman.
- Antonia Prebble
Antonia Mary Prebble (born 6 June 1984) is a New Zealand actress, best known for her role as Loretta West in the hit NZ comedy-drama Outrageous Fortune, as Trudy in The Tribe, and as Jane in The Blue Rose.
- Princess Antonia, Duchess of Wellington
Princess Antonia of Prussia, Duchess of Wellington, (born 28 April 1955) is member of the House of Hohenzollern.
- Antonia San Juan
Antonia San Juan Fernández (born 22 May 1961) is a Spanish actress, director and screenwriter.
- Antonia Bennett
Antonia Bennett (born April 7, 1974) is an American singer of adult alternative music, standards, and jazz.
- Arjun
- Antonia Thomas
Antonia Laura Thomas (born 3 November 1986) is an English actress.
- Jarchinio Antonia
Jarchinio Angelo Roberto Antonia (born 27 December 1990) is a Curaçaoan professional footballer, who plays as a winger in the Netherlands for Cambuur.
- Antonia Iacobescu
Antonia Clara Iacobescu (born 12 April 1989), commonly known as Antonia, is a Romanian-American singer, performer, and model.
- Antonia Vai
Antonia Morvai (born April 24, 1988), known as Antonia Vai, is a Hungarian/Swedish singer-songwriter, lyricist and musician.
- Antonia Truppo
Antonia Truppo (born 14 February 1977) is an Italian actress.
- Antonia Clarke
Antonia Clarke (born 24 May 1995) is an English actress and singer best known for her role as Penny Hamilton in the 2014 British horror thriller film Altar.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Antonia Numerology: Name Antonia has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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