What does the name Antje mean? What is the meaning of the name Antje
Meaning of Antje: Name Antje in the Dutch, German origin, means A graceful individual. Name Antje is of Dutch, German origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Antje (Namesakes)
- Antje Vollmer
Antje Vollmer (born 31 May 1943) is a German politician of the Alliance 90/The Greens.
- Antje Rávic Strubel
Antje Rávik Strubel, also known as Antje Rávic Strubel (born April 12, 1974, in Potsdam, German Democratic Republic), is a German writer, translator, and literary critic.
- Antje Buschschulte
Antje Buschschulte (born 27 December 1978 in Berlin) is a former German swimmer.
- Antje Jackelén
Antje Jackelén (née Zöllner; born 1955) is the Archbishop of Uppsala and primate (prima inter pares) of the Church of Sweden, the national church.
- Antje Traue
Antje Traue (pronounced [ˈʔantjə ˈtʀaʊ̯ə]; born 18 January 1981) is a German actress.
- Antje Möldner-Schmidt
Antje Möldner-Schmidt (born 13 June 1984) is a retired German track and field athlete who specialised in middle distance running and the 3000 metres steeplechase.
- Antje von Graevenitz
Antje (-Maria) von Graevenitz, born Ludwig (August 26, 1940, Hamburg) is a German art historian, art critic, educator and author.
- Antje Stille
Antje Stille (born 8 September 1961) is a retired German swimmer.
- Antje Westermann
Antje Westermann (born 13 September 1971) is a German actress.
- Antje Lauenroth
Antje Lauenroth (born 3 October 1988) is a German handballer for SG BBM Bietigheim and the German national team.
- Antje Rehaag
Antje Rehaag (born 1 August 1965) is a German rower.
- Antje Meyer
Antje Susanne Meyer (born 15 December 1957, Hemer, West Germany) is a German-Dutch experimental psychologist, known for her work in language production.
- Antje Lezius
Antje Lezius (born 30 June 1960) is a German politician.
- Antje Tillmann
Antje Tillmann (born 18 August 1964) is a German politician.
- Shyamalika
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Antje Numerology: Name Antje has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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