What does the name Annalisa mean? What is the meaning of the name Annalisa?
Meaning of Annalisa: Name Annalisa in the Swedish origin, means Graced with God's Bounty; Favor; Beautiful; Graceful Meadow; A variant of Annali. Name Annalisa is of Swedish origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Annalisa: Graced with God's Bounty; Favor; Beautiful; Graceful Meadow; A variant of Annali
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Famous people with name Annalisa (Namesakes)
- Annalisa
Annalisa Scarrone (born 5 August 1985) better known as simply Annalisa or Nali, is an Italian singer-songwriter, producer and TV personality.
- Annalisa Bona
Annalisa Bona (born November 15, 1982) is a professional Italian tennis player.
- Annalisa Minetti
Annalisa Minetti (born December 27, 1976 in Rho) is an Italian singer, politician and Paralympic athlete.
Minetti was a beauty pageant contestant in the 1997 edition of Miss Italia; she gained public attention because she was the first blind woman admitted to the competition.
- Annalisa Drew
Annalisa Drew (born May 28, 1993) is an American freestyle skier.
- Annalisa Bucci
Annalisa Bucci (born (1983-01-29)January 29, 1983) is an Italian female kickboxer and mixed martial artist, based in Rimini.
- Annalisa Cucinotta
Annalisa Cucinotta (born 3 April 1986) is a track cyclist from Italy.
- Annalisa Coltorti
Annalisa Coltorti (born 16 February 1963) is an Italian épée fencer.
- Annalisa Nisiro
Annalisa Nisiro (born 11 May 1973) is an Italian swimmer.
- Annalisa Scurti
Annalisa Scurti (born 20 January 1969) is a former Italian female long-distance runner who competed at individual senior level at the IAAF World Half Marathon Championships.
She also won a bronze medal with the national team at the 1996 IAAF World Half Marathon Championships.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Annalisa Numerology: Name Annalisa has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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