What does the name Anja mean? What is the meaning of the name Anja
Meaning of Anja: Name Anja in the German, Russian origin, means Variation of Anna; they are gracious beings. Name Anja is of German, Russian origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Anja (Namesakes)
- Anja Langer
Anja Langer (born June 3, 1965) is a former professional female bodybuilder of the late 1980s.
- Anja Rubik
Anja Rubik (born Anna Rubik; 12 June 1983) is a Polish supermodel, activist, philanthropist, and businesswoman.
- Anja Pärson
Anja Sofia Tess Pärson (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈânːja ˈpæ̌ːʂɔn]; born 25 April 1981) is a Swedish former alpine skier.
- Anja Andersen
Anja Andersen (born 15 February 1969 in Odense, Denmark) is a former Danish team handball player and current coach.
- Anja Silja
Anja Silja Regina Langwagen (pronounced [ˈanja ˈzɪlja], born April 17, 1940 in Berlin) is a German soprano who is known for her great abilities as a singing-actress and for the vastness of her repertoire.
- Anja Garbarek
Anja Garbarek (born 24 July 1970 in Oslo, Norway) is a Norwegian singer-songwriter of mixed Norwegian and Polish descent.
- Anja Mittag
Anja Mittag (German pronunciation: [ˈʔanja ˈmɪtaːk]; born 16 May 1985) is a German footballer who plays for RB Leipzig as a striker.
- Anja Kling
Anja Kling (born 22 March 1970 in Wilhelmshorst-Potsdam, Brandenburg) is a German actress and voice actress.
- Anja Spasojević
Anja Spasojević (Cyrillic: Ања Спасојевић; born 4 July 1983) is a retired Serbian professional volleyball player who was last played as wing spiker for Dinamo Krasnodar in Russia.
- Anja Coleby
- Anja Chong
Anja Chong (born March 10, 1994) is a Malaysian short track speed skater.
- Anja Knauer
Anja Knauer (born 18 March 1979) is a German actress who has played the leading female role in some German films.
- Anja Tepeš
Anja Tepeš (born 27 February 1991) is a retired Slovenian ski jumper.
- Anja Aguilar
Anja Aguilar is the screen name of Angellie G. Urquico (born July 22, 1994), a Filipino recording artist and Grand Winner of Little Big Star Season 2 in 2006.
- Anja Nissen
Anja Nissen (born 6 November 1995), sometimes known as simply Anja, is an Australian singer, songwriter, dancer and actress.
- Anja Rugelj
- Anja Weisser
Anja Weisser (also spelled Weißer; born 2 October 1991 in Marktoberdorf, Germany) is a German ice hockey defender.
- Anja Crevar
Anja Crevar (Serbian Cyrillic: Ања Цревар; born 24 May 2000) is a Serbian swimmer, and a member of the Dinamo Pančevo swimming club.
- Anja Schäfer
Anja Schäfer (born 11 July 1966) is a German rower.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Anja Numerology: Name Anja has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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