What does the name Angelos mean? What is the meaning of the name Angelos?
Meaning of Angelos: Name Angelos in the American origin, means They are charming angels of God sent from heaven. Name Angelos is of American origin and is a Boy name. People with name Angelos are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Angelos (Namesakes)
- Angelos Charisteas
Angelos Charisteas (Greek: Άγγελος Χαριστέας, pronounced [ˈaɲɟelos xariˈste.as]; born 9 February 1980) is a Greek former professional footballer who played as a forward.
- Angelos Basinas
Angelos Basinas (Greek: Άγγελος Μπασινάς pronounced [ˈaɲɟelos basiˈnas], born on 3 January 1976 in Chalkida, Greece) is a retired Greek international footballer who played as a defensive midfielder.
- Peter Angelos
Peter G. Angelos (born July 4, 1929) is an American trial lawyer.
- Angelos Pavlakakis
Angelos Pavlakakis (Greek: Άγγελος Παυλακάκης; born 7 November 1976 in Xanthi) is a retired Greek sprinter who specialized in the 100 metres.
- Angelos Efthymiou
Angelos Efthymiou (Greek: Αγγελος Ευθυμιου; born January 18, 1983 in Paphos) is a former Cypriot footballer who currently works as assistant manager for Pafos FC alongside Sofoklis Sofokleous.
- Angelos Perikleous
Angelos Perikleous (born January 5, 1990) is a Cypriot football player who currently plays for AEL Limassol Futsal team.
- Angelos Eleftheriadis
Angelos Eleftheriadis (born April 15, 1991) is a Greek footballer who plays for Team Northumbria.
- Angelos Vlachopoulos
Angelos Vlachopoulos (born 28 September 1991) is a Greek water polo player.
- Angelos Chaniotis
Angelos Chaniotis (Greek: Άγγελος Χανιώτης, born November 8, 1959) is a Greek historian and Classics scholar, known for original and wide-ranging research in the cultural, religious, legal and economic history of the Hellenistic period and the Roman East.
- Angelos Georgiou
Angelos Georgiou (born 27 August 1974) is a retired professional Greek goalkeeper.
- Angelos Tsolakis
Angelos Tsolakis (born 23 August 1969) is a retired Cypriot football striker.
- Angelos Tsingaras
Angelos Tsingaras (Greek: Άγγελος Τσιγγάρας; born 24 July 1999) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Panetolikos.
- Angelos Liasos
Angelos Liasos (Greek: Άγγελος Λιάσος; born 26 May 2000) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for PAS Giannina.
- Angelos Zioulis
Angelos Zioulis (Greek: Άγγελος Ζιούλης; born 1 February 1995) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for Super League 2 club PAS Giannina.
- Angelos Oikonomou
Angelos Oikonomou (Greek: Άγγελος Οικονόμου; born 23 August 1995) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Super League 2 club Platanias.
- Angelos Stamatopoulos
Angelos Stamatopoulos (Greek: Άγγελος Σταματόπουλος; born 23 April 1997) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Football League club Egaleo.
- Angelos Piniotis
Angelos Piniotis (Greek: Άγγελος Πινιώτης; born 22 April 1996) is a Greek professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Football League club Diagoras.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Angelos Numerology: Name Angelos has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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