What does the name Angelique mean? What is the meaning of the name Angelique
Meaning of Angelique: Name Angelique in the French origin, means The one who is like an angel. Name Angelique is of French origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Angelique (Namesakes)
- Angelique Boyer
Angelique Boyer (Spanish pronunciation: [aɲɟʝeˈlik βoˈʝeɾ]; in full Angelique Monique-Paulette Boyer Rousseau French pronunciation: [ɑ̃ʒelik mɔnik polɛt bwajeʁ ʁuso] born on July 4, 1988) is a French-Mexican actress.
- Angelique Burgos
Angelique Burgos (also known as La Burbu, born December 17, 1978) is a television host and actress.
- Angelique Kerber
Angelique Kerber (German: [ʔandʒɛˈliːk ˈkɛɐ̯bɐ]; born 18 January 1988) is a German professional tennis player.
- Angelique Morgan
Angelique Morgan (born 22 September 1975), also known as Frenchy or Frenchy Morgan, is a French television personality, model, and actress .
- Angelique Gerber
Angelique Gerber (born 16 April 1983) is a South African actress who was born, lives and works in Johannesburg although she stayed in Canada from 2001 to 2002 for the shooting of Disposable Life.
- Angelique Sabrina
Angelique Sabrina (born February 7, 1998) is a Bahamian singer, songwriter, dancer, actress and performer.
- Angelique Cabral
Angelique Cabral is an American actress.
- Angelique Bates
Angelique Bates (born December 1, 1980) is an American actress, comedian, and rapper best known for the two seasons she served on the Nickelodeon sketch-comedy series All That.
- Angelique EagleWoman
Angelique EagleWoman (Dakota: Wambdi Awanwicake WasteWin); born 1969 is a Dakota law professor and scholar of Indigenous law.
- Angelique Olivier
Angelique Olivier (born 12 June 1975) is a former tennis player from France.
During her professional career from 1991–1995, she won two titles on the ITF Women's Circuit.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Angelique Numerology: Name Angelique has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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