What does the name Angeli mean? What is the meaning of the name Angeli
Meaning of Angeli: Name Angeli means They are the angels of God sent from heaven. Name Angeli is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Angeli (Namesakes)
- Michael Angelis
Michael Angelis (born 18 January 1952) is an English actor.
- Ève Angeli
Vanessa Annelyse Ève Garcin (born 25 August 1980 in Sète, Hérault, France), better known by her stage name Ève Angeli is a French pop singer, who won an NRJ Music Award for Best New French Artist in 2000–2002.
- Paul Angelis
Paul Angelis (born 18 January 1943 in Liverpool) is an English actor and writer best known for his role as PC Bannerman in the British television series Z-Cars.
- Alfredo de Angeli
Alfredo de Angeli (born July 1, 1956) is an Argentine politician, current Senator for Entre Ríos, and rural leader of the Federación Agraria Argentina of Entre Ríos.
- Jordan Angeli
Jordan Leigh Angeli (born May 31, 1986) is an American former soccer player from Lakewood, Colorado.
- Arnor Angeli
Arnor Angeli (born (1991-02-25) 25 February 1991 in Brussels) is a Belgian footballer who plays in midfield for FC Lebbeke.
- Angelis Charalambous
Angelis Angeli (born 31 May 1989), also known as Angelis Charalambous, is a Cypriot professional footballer who plays as a centre back for Enosis Neon Paralimni and Cyprus national team.
- Angeli Nicole Sanoy
Angeli Nicole Sanoy (born February 15, 2000) is a Filipina child actress.
- Angeli Vanlaanen
Angeli Vanlaanen (born October 24, 1985) is an American freestyle skier.
- Angeli Tabaquero
Maria Angeli Tabaquero is a Filipino volleyball athlete.
- Manuela Angeli
Manuela Angeli (born 3 April 1939) is an Italian former competitive figure skater.
- Matilda De Angelis
Matilda De Angelis (born September 11, 1995) is an Italian actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Angeli Numerology: Name Angeli has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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