What does the name Ang mean? What is the meaning of the name Ang?
Meaning of Ang: Name Ang means Variant of Wu, the one who is spirited. Name Ang is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Ang (Namesakes)
- Michelle Ang
Michelle Ang (born 17 October 1983) is a New Zealand film and television actress based in New York City.
- Ang Peng Siong
Ang Peng Siong (Chinese: 洪秉祥; pinyin: Hóng Bǐngxiáng; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Âng Píng-siông; born 27 October 1962 in Singapore) is a swimmer from Singapore, who once held World Number 1 ranking in the 50 m freestyle.
- Joshua Ang
Joshua Ang Ser Kian (Chinese: 洪賜健; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Âng Sù-kiān) is a former Mediacorp artiste from Singapore who starred alongside Shawn Lee in the film I Not Stupid and its sequel I Not Stupid Too.
- Ang Christou
Ang Christou (born 16 January 1972) is a former Australian rules footballer for Carlton in the Australian Football League.
- Belinda Ang
Belinda Ang Saw Ean (born 24 April 1954) is a Singaporean judge of the Supreme Court.
- Adrian Ang
Adrian Ang Hsien Loong is a Malaysian ten-pin bowler.
- Andrew Ang
Andrew Ang (born 25 February 1946) is a Singaporean former judge of the Supreme Court.
- Ang Lee
Ang Lee OBS (Chinese: 李安; pinyin: Lǐ Ān; born 23 October 1954) is a Taiwanese filmmaker.
- Ramon S. Ang
Ramón See Ang (born January 14, 1954) is a Chinese Filipino businessman.
- Ang Zhiwei
Ang Zhiwei is a Singaporean footballer who plays in the S.League for Warriors FC. He started his career as an attacking midfielder but now plays as a defender.
- Anthony Ang
Anthony Ang Kang Keam (born 6 December 1978) is a Malaysian former swimmer, who specialised in butterfly events.
- Ignatius Ang
Ignatius Ang Yu Heng (born 11 November 1992) is a Singaporean footballer who plays as a midfielder for Tanjong Pagar United in the S.League.
- Leopoldo Ang
Leopoldo Ang (born 19 December 1937) is a Filipino former sports shooter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Ang Numerology: Name Ang has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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