What does the name Anette mean? What is the meaning of the name Anette
Meaning of Anette: Name Anette means Veriant of Hannah which means graceful. Name Anette is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Anette (Namesakes)
- Anette Sagen
Anette Sagen (born 10 January 1985) is a Norwegian former ski jumper.
- Anette Norberg
Anette Norberg (born 12 November 1966) is a retired Swedish curler from Härnösand.
- Anette Michel
Anette Michel Carrillo (Spanish pronunciation: [aˈnet miˈtʃel]; (アネットミシェル Anettomisheru) born June 30, 1971) is a Mexican actress and model.
- Anette Stai
Karen Anette Stai, born 24 March 1961, is a Norwegian model.
- Anette Olzon
Anette Ingegerd Olsson (born 21 June 1971), known by the stage name Anette Olzon, is a Swedish singer, best known as the former lead vocalist of Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish from 2007 to 2012.
- Anette Hovind Johansen
Anette Hovind Johansen (born 24 March 1980) is a Norwegian handball player.
- Anette Hoff
Anette Hoff (born 16 May 1961) is a Norwegian actress.
- Anette Wilhelm
Anette Wilhelm (born Anette Svensson on 22 March 1972) is a Swedish wheelchair curler.
- Anette Støvelbæk
Anette Støvelbæk (born 27 July 1967) is a Danish actress.
- Gry-Anette Rekanes Amundsen
Gry-Anette Rekanes Amundsen (born 7 July 1973) is a Norwegian politician for the Progress Party.
- Anette Helene Hansen
Anette Helene Hansen (born 12 February 1992) is a Norwegian handball player who plays for Fredrikstad BK.
- Anette Dawn
Anett Bocsi (born May 9, 1978), known by her stage name Anette Dawn, is a Hungarian escort, makeup artist, and former pornographic film actress.
- Anette Vázquez
Anette Natalia Vázquez Mendoza (born 11 March 2002), known as Anette Vázquez, is a Mexican professional football midfielder who currently plays for Gudalajara (commonly known as Chivas) of the Liga MX Femenil, the first professional women's soccer league in Mexico.
- Anette Kolmos
Anette Kolmos is a Danish professor in Engineering Education and Problem-based learning (PBL) at the Department of Planning at Aalborg University.
- Anette Borchorst
Anette Borchorst is a Danish professor of both Political Gender Research at CCWS Center for Comparative Welfare Studies and the Center for Labor Market Research (CARMA), the Department of Political Science at Aalborg University.
- Anette Kramme
Anette Kramme (born 10 October 1967) is a German politician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Anette Numerology: Name Anette has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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