What does the name Andreea mean? What is the meaning of the name Andreea?
Meaning of Andreea: Name Andreea in the Greek origin, means Old Greek - Male; Manly; Brave; Virility; Defender of men; A variant of Andrea. Name Andreea is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Andreea are usually Greek by religion.
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Famous people with name Andreea (Namesakes)
- Andreea Răducan
Andreea Mădălina Răducan (Romanian pronunciation: [anˈdree̯a rəduˈkan]; born 30 September 1983) is a retired gymnast from Bârlad, Romania.
- Aura Andreea Munteanu
Aura Andreea Munteanu, known as Andreea Munteanu (Romanian pronunciation: [anˈdree̯a munˈte̯anu]; born September 20, 1988, in Constanța), is a retired Romanian gymnast.
- Andreea Bălan
Andreea Bălan (Romanian pronunciation: [anˈdree̯a bəˈlan]; born June 23, 1984) is a Romanian pop singer.
- Andreea Marin
Andreea Violeta Marin (born 22 December 1974, in Roman, Neamţ County) is a Romanian television presenter and TV personality.
- Andreea Acatrinei
Andreea Roxana Acatrinei (born April 7, 1992) is a Romanian artistic gymnast.
- Andreea Grigore
Andreea Florentina Grigore (born 11 April 1991 in Bucharest, Romania) is a Romanian artistic gymnast.
- Andreea Cacovean
Andreea Cacovean (born September 15, 1978,) is a Romanian artistic gymnast who competed between 1991 and 1996.
- Andreea Isărescu
Florenţa Andreea Isărescu (born July 3, 1984) is a Romanian artistic gymnast who competed in international events between 1997 and 2000.
- Andreea Esca
Andreea Esca (Romanian pronunciation: [anˈdree̯a ˈeska], born August 29, 1972) is a Romanian television journalist on the Pro TV network.
- Andreea Mitu
Cristina-Andreea Mitu (born 22 September 1991) is a professional tennis player from Romania.
- Andreea Laiu
Andreea Laiu (born 15 March 1986) is a Romanian football midfielder or striker who plays for Kiryat Gat.
- Andreea Chițu
Andreea Ștefania Chițu (born 7 May 1988) is a Romanian judoka who competes in the women's 52 kg category.
- Andreea Stefanescu
Andreea Stefanescu (born 13 December 1993 in Iaşi) is a Romanian-born Italian rhythmic gymnast.
- Andreea Diaconu
Andreea Diaconu (Romanian pronunciation: [anˈdreja ˈdjakonu]; born 28 March 1991) is a Romanian model.
- Andreea Munteanu
Andreea Eugenia Munteanu (Romanian pronunciation: [anˈdreja e.uˈd͡ʒeni.a munˈte̯anu]; born May 29, 1998) is a Romanian artistic gymnast.
- Andreea Pricopi
Andreea Pricopi (born 20 February 1994 in Brașov) is a Romanian handballer who plays for Gloria Buzău.
- Andreea Aanei
Andreea Aanei (born 18 November 1993) is a Romanian weightlifter.
- Andreea Chiricuță
Andreea Eliza Chiricuță (born 27 February 1994) is a Romanian handballer who plays for CS Rapid București (handball).
- Andreea Roșca
Andreea Amalia Roșca (born 20 March 1999) is a Romanian tennis player.
- Andreea Popa
Andreea Cristina Popa (born 3 June 2000) is a Romanian handballer who plays for Minaur Baia Mare.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Andreea Numerology: Name Andreea has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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