What does the name Anca mean? What is the meaning of the name Anca
Meaning of Anca: Name Anca in the Hebrew origin, means Grace; Favor; Mercy; God has Favored Me; A diminutive of Ana. Name Anca is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name. People with name Anca are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Anca (Namesakes)
- Adrian Anca
Adrian Gheorghe Anca (born 27 March 1976) is a former Romanian footballer, who played as a striker.
- Anca Barna
Anca Barna (born 14 May 1977) is a retired professional German tennis player.
- Anca Grigoraș
Anca Gabriela Grigoraș (later Mihăilescu, born 8 November 1957) is a retired Romanian artistic gymnast who won team silver medals at the 1976 Olympics and the 1978 World Championships.
- Anca Pătrășcoiu
Aneta "Anca" Pătrășcoiu (born 17 October 1967) is a retired Romanian swimmer who won the bronze medal in the 200 meter backstroke event at the 1984 Summer Olympics.
- Anca Măroiu
Anca Măroiu (née Băcioiu, born 5 August 1983) is a Romanian épée fencer.
- Anca Popescu
Anca Popescu (born (1976 -02-21)21 February 1976) is a retired Romanian female volleyball player, who played as a middle blocker.
- Anca Zijlstra
Anja Carolina Zijlstra (born September 3, 1973 in Heerlen) is a Dutch darts player who competes in British Darts Organisation.
- Anca Mihaela Rombescu
Anca Mihaela Rombescu (born 15 September 1985) is a Romanian handball player.
- Anca Bergmann
Anca Bergmann (born (1976-02-21)21 February 1976) is a Romanian female former volleyball player, playing as a middle-blocker.
- Anca Verma
- Anca Andreiu
Anca Andreiu (born 18 August 1951) is a Romanian former swimmer.
- Anca Groza
Anca Groza (born 23 January 1956) is a Romanian former swimmer.
- Iulian Anca-Trip
Iulian Daniel Anca-Trip (born 28 February 1995) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Liga II side Viitorul Târgu Jiu.
- Anca Polocoșer
Anca Georgiana Polocoșer (born 1 May 1997) is a Romanian handball player for Minaur Baia Mare.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Anca Numerology: Name Anca has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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