What does the name Amri mean? What is the meaning of the name Amri?
Meaning of Amri: Name Amri in the Indian origin, means Power; Might; Strength;. Name Amri is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Amri are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Amri (Namesakes)
- Majed Al-Amri
Majed Al Amri is a Saudi Arabian footballer who plays as a defender for Al-Thoqbah.
- Amri Kiemba
Amri Kiemba Ramadhan is a Tanzanian footballer who plays club football for Simba and international football Tanzania.
- Ali Al-Amri (footballer)
Ali Alamri (born 7 1989) is an Emirati professional footballer.
- Chadli Amri
Chadli Amri (Arabic: شادلي عامري; born 14 December 1984) is an Algerian footballer who plays as a striker for Sarre-Union.
- Khairul Amri
Mohammad Khairul Amri bin Mohammad Kamal (born 14 March 1985) is a Singapore international footballer who plays as a forward for FELDA United F.C. in the Malaysian Super League.
- Mohd Amri Yahyah
- Khairul Amri (footballer, born 1989)
Khairul Amri bin Salehuddin (born 22 December 1989) is a Malaysian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Perak in Malaysia Super League.
- Azrul Amri Burhan
Azrul Amri Burhan (born 1 November 1975) is a former Malaysian footballer.
- Aziz El Amri
Aziz El Amri (born 1 January 1950) is a Moroccan football coach and former player.
- Saleh Al-Amri
Saleh Al Jamaan Al-Amri (Arabic: صالح آل جمعان العمري; born 14 October 1993) is a Saudi professional footballer who plays as a winger for Pro League club Al-Ettifaq and the Saudi Arabian national team.
- Mohammed Al-Amri
Mohammed Al-Amri (Arabic: محمد العمري) (born 26 November 1991) is a Saudi Arabian footballer who plays as a left back for Al-Raed in the Saudi Professional League.
- Hassan Al-Amri (footballer)
Hassan Al-Amri (Arabic: حسن العمري, born 21 April 1994), he is a Saudi Arabian football player who currently plays as a wigner for Al-Qadisiyah.
- Raed Al-Amri
Raed Al-Amri (Arabic: رائد العمري; born June 27, 1989), is a Saudi Arabian professional footballer who plays as a left-back for Saudi club Al-Tai. - Tariq Al-Amri
Tariq Ahmed Al-Amri (born December 23, 1990) is a Saudi Arabian long-distance runner.
- Abdulelah Al-Amri
Abdulelah Al-Amri (Arabic: عبدالإله العمري; born 15 January 1997) is a Saudi Arabian professional footballer who plays as a centre back for Pro League club Al-Nassr and the Saudi Arabian national team.
Al-Amri progressed through Al-Nassr's youth system, making his senior debut in December 2017.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Amri Numerology: Name Amri has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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