What does the name Amit mean? What is the meaning of the name Amit
Meaning of Amit: Name Amit in the Indian, Hebrew, Sanskrit origin, means Name of Lord Ganesha; the one with immeasurable and limitless power; Endless, Boundless. Name Amit is of Indian, Hebrew, Sanskrit origin and is a Boy name. People with name Amit are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Amit (Namesakes)
- Amit Jogi
Amit Jogi (born 7 August 1977) is an Indian politician.
- Amit Sharma
Amit Sharma (born 20 November 1974 in Hoshiarpur, Punjab), is an Indian cricketer.
- Amit Mishra
Amit Mishra pronunciation (born 24 November 1982) is an Indian cricketer.
- Amit Sebastian Paul
Amit Sebastian Paul (born 29 October 1983) is a Swedish singer and former member of the Swedish quartet A-Teens.
- Amit Sadh
Amit Sadh (born 5 June 1979) is an Indian actor.
- Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar Ganguly (born 3 July 1952) is an Indian playback singer, actor, music composer.
- Amit Bhatia
Amit Bhatia (born 4 September 1979) is a British-Indian businessman.
- Amit Varma (actor)
Amit Varma (born 6 October 1983) is an Indian television actor, best known for his role as Vishwamitra (aka Vish) Kelkar on the television show Hotel Kingston on Star One (Life Ok).
- Amit Trivedi
Amit Trivedi (born 8 April 1979) is an Indian film score composer, singer and lyricist.
- Amit Deshmukh
Amit Vilasrao Deshmukh (born 21 March 1976) is a politician and a member of the Indian National Congress, and son of Vilasrao Deshmukh.
- Amit Shah
Amit Anilchandra Shah (born 22 October 1964) is an Indian politician serving as Minister of Home Affairs who has served as President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from 2014 to 2020.
- Amit Mitra
Amit Mitra is an Indian economist and politician representing All India Trinamool Congress and the current Finance, Commerce & Industries Minister of the government of Indian state of West Bengal.
- Amit Behl
Amit Behl (born 30 October 1955) is an Indian theatre, television and film actor.
- Amit Bhatt
Amit Bhatt (born 19 August 1972) is an Indian television actor.
- Amit Nimade
Amit Nimade is an Indian photographer known for his works in fine art photography.
- Amit Panghal
Amit Panghal (born 16 October 1995) is an Indian amateur boxer.
- Amit Shah (actor)
Amit Kaushik Shah (born 26 April 1981) is a British actor.
- SandanaValli
- Sandipa
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Krittika Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Amit Numerology: Name Amit has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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