What does the name Amel mean? What is the meaning of the name Amel
Meaning of Amel: Name Amel means A pure name meaning hard work, hope and expectation. Name Amel is a Unisex name.
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Famous people with name Amel (Namesakes)
- Amel Larrieux
Amel Eliza Larrieux (née Stowell; born March 8, 1973) is an American singer-songwriter and keyboardist.
- Amel Bent
Amel Bent (born Amel Bachir; 21 June 1985 in Paris) is a French R&B and pop singer who gained fame after reaching the semi-finals of season 2 of French TV series Nouvelle Star.
- Amel Mekić
Amel Mekić (born 21 September 1981) is a retired Bosnian judoka.
- Amel Mujčinović
Amel Mujčinović (born 20 November 1973) is a retired Bosnian-Herzegovinian football goalkeeper.
- Amel Majri
Amel Majri (born 25 January 1993) is a French-Tunisian professional footballer, who currently plays in the French First Division for Olympique Lyon, with whom she has also played the Champions League with, and won.
- Amel Tuka
Amel Tuka (born 9 January 1991) is a Bosnian middle-distance runner who specializes in the 800 metres.
- Amel Ait Ahmed
Amel Ait Ahmed (born 25 September 1989) is an Algerian team handball player.
- Amel Karboul
Amel Karboul (Tunisian Arabic: آمال كربول), born April 25, 1973, is a Tunisian author, speaker, politician, philanthropist, and business leader.
- Amel Džuzdanović
Amel Džuzdanović (born 26 August 1994) is a Slovenian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Primorje.
- Zaidi Amel
Zaidi Amel (born (1995-03-03)3 March 1995) is an Algerian female volleyball player.
- Amel Bouderra
Amel Bouderra (born 26 March 1989) is a French basketball player for Flammes Carolo Basket and the French national team, where she participated at the 2016 Summer Olympics.
- Amel Bouchoucha
Amel Bouchoucha also known as Amal Bouchoucha (Arabic: أمل بوشوشة; born 25 July 1982) is an Algerian actress.
- Amel Dehby
Amel Dehby (born June 15, 1991) is a French professional kickboxer and winner of the World Kickboxing Network title.
In 2016 Amel Dehby was defeated by Tiffany van Soest for the Glory Women's Bantamweight title.
- Amel Rustemoski
Amel Rustemoski (born 6 July 2000) is a Swiss-Macedonian footballer who plays as a forward for Swiss club Grasshopper.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Amel Numerology: Name Amel has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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