What does the name Ameen mean? What is the meaning of the name Ameen
Meaning of Ameen: Name Ameen in the Arabic origin, means Divine Grace; Honest; Faithful; Trustworthy. Name Ameen is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Ameen are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Ameen (Namesakes)
- Ameen Sayani
Ameen Sayani is a popular former radio announcer from India.
- Mohammed Ameen
Mohammed Ameen Haidar (Arabic: محمد أمين) (born April 29, 1980) is a Saudi Arabian football (soccer) player who is a midfielder for Al-Qadisiyah FC. He was a member of the Al Ittihad team that won the AFC Champions League and competed in the FIFA Club World Championship 2005.
- Aml Ameen
Aml Eysan Ameen (; born 30 July 1985) is an English actor.
- Sidra Ameen
Sidra Ameen (born 7 April 1992) is a Pakistani cricketer who made her debut for the Pakistan national women's cricket team in 2011.
- Robby Ameen
Robby Ameen (born December 7, 1960) is an American drummer, composer, bandleader, and educator who resides in New York City.
- Ameen Zakkar
Ameen Zakkar (born 15 June 1994) is a Syrian-born Qatari handball player for Al Rayyan and the Qatari national team.
- Ameen Khosravian
Ameen Khosravian (Persian: امین خسرویان born 6 February 1989) is an Iranian American professional basketball player, and founder, and CEO of Pirouzi Athletics.
- Hassan Ameen
Hassan Ameen (Arabic:حسن أمين) (born 13 June 1985) is an Emirati footballer.
- Muhammad Afsarul Ameen
Muhammad Afsarul Ameen (born 1 January 1952) is a Bangladesh Awami League politician.
- A. R. Ameen
A. R. Ameen (born 6 January 2003) is an Indian playback singer.
- Ameen-ud-Din bin Mohamed Ibrahim
Ameen-ud-Din bin Mohamed Ibrahim (born 20 November 1947) is a Malaysian field hockey player.
- Oyin Ameen
Ameen Muktar Oyindamola, known professionally as Oyin Ameen, is a Nigerian businessman, talent manager and music executive.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Ameen Numerology: Name Ameen has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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