What does the name Amaro mean? What is the meaning of the name Amaro
Meaning of Amaro: Name Amaro in the Latin origin, means It means bitter and disappointed. Name Amaro is of Latin origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Amaro (Namesakes)
- Amancio Amaro
Amancio Amaro Varela, (born 16 October 1939 in A Coruña, Galicia) commonly known simply as Amancio, is a former Spanish football player.
- Rubén Amaro Jr.
Rubén Amaro Jr. (born February 12, 1965) is an American former professional baseball outfielder and General Manager (GM).
- Leandro Amaro
Leandro Amaro dos Santos (born June 19, 1986 in Campinas) is a Brazilian football defender, who plays for Botafogo-SP.
- Bruno Amaro
Bruno Amaro Sousa Barros (born 17 February 1983), known as Amaro, is a Portuguese former professional footballer who played mainly as a central midfielder.
- Amaro (footballer)
Amândio Manuel Filipe da Costa best known as Amaro (born November 12, 1986) is an Angolan footballer who plays for FC Bravos do Maquis as a midfielder in the Angolan premier league Girabola.
- Melanie Amaro
Melanie Ann Amaro (born June 26, 1992) is an American singer who won the first season of The X Factor USA in 2011, securing a $5 million recording contract with Syco Music and Epic Records.
- Jace Amaro
Jace Jordan Amaro (born June 26, 1992) is an American football tight end who is a free agent.
- Mariane Amaro
Mariane Goux Amaro (born 17 September 1993 in Montmorency) is a French-Portuguese football defender currently playing for VGA Saint-Maur in the French First Division.
- Alberto Amaro Corona
Alberto Amaro Corona (born 8 April 1963) is a Mexican politician from the Party of the Democratic Revolution.
- Victor Amaro
Victor Amaro (born 31 January 1987) is a Brazilian footballer that currently plays for Trang F.C. in the Thai League 3.
- Amaro Antunes
Amaro Manuel Raposo Antunes (born 27 November 1990) is a Portuguese cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Continental team W52–FC Porto.
- Amaro Bahtijar
Amaro Bahtijar (born 26 August 1998) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Steinkjer.
- Amaro Neto
Amaro Rocha Nascimento Neto (Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil, December 4, 1976) is a journalist, sportscaster, editor, television presenter, radio broadcaster and Brazilian politician.
- Álvaro Amaro
Álvaro Amaro is a Portuguese politician of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) currently serving as a Member of the European Parliament.
Amaro has been a Member of the European Parliament since the 2019 European elections.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Amaro Numerology: Name Amaro has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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