What does the name Amado mean? What is the meaning of the name Amado
Meaning of Amado: Name Amado in the Latin, Spanish origin, means Latin - Lover, Love of God ; A derivative of the Spanish name Amadeus and Amador. Name Amado is of Latin, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Amado are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Amado (Namesakes)
- Amado Guevara
Amado Guevara (born 2 May 1976) is a Honduran former professional football player and manager.
- Flávio Amado
Flávio da Silva Amado (born 30 December 1979), better known as Flávio, is an Angolan former professional footballer striker.
- André Amado
André "Dida" Amado (born 9 October 1983) is a Brazilian mixed martial artist and Muay Thai kickboxer who has competed in the Japanese promotions Dream and K-1 Hero's.
He is known for his exciting fighting style, often utilizing flying knees and spinning kicks, as well as his colorful entrances often sporting a mask and dancing his way to the ring.
- Amado Espino Jr.
Amado Totaan Espino Jr. is a Filipino politician and the former Representative of Pangasinan's 5th District in the Philippine House of Representatives.
- Amado Boudou
Amado Boudou (Spanish pronunciation: [aˈmaðo βuˈðu]; born 19 November 1962) is an Argentine businessman and politician who served as the Vice President of Argentina from 2011 to 2015.
- Diogo Amado
Diogo Carlos Correia Amado (born 21 January 1990) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a midfielder.
- Amado Diallo
Amadou Diallo (born 13 June 1981 in Sakal) is a Senegalese football player currently playing for Omani football club Al-Suwaiq.
- Amado Ursua
Amado Ursua (born September 13, 1956) is a Mexican former boxer in the Light Flyweight division.
- Fran Amado
Francisco 'Fran' Javier Amado Gutiérrez (born 1 June 1984 in Algeciras, Bay of Gibraltar, Andalusia) is a Spanish footballer who plays as a striker.
- Isabella Amado Medrano
Isabella Amado Medrano (born (1996-08-09)9 August 1996) is a Panamanian artistic gymnast.
- G-Amado
Gonçalo Jorge Amado da Veiga, better known as G-Amado (born 11 April 1985) is a singer and an actor mainly on kizomba and R&B songs.
- Amado Mediña
Amado Mediña (born 11 November 1946) is a Mexican rower.
- Anthony Amado
Anthony Amado (born February 28, 1963) is an American wrestler and coach.
- Catarina Amado
Catarina Isabel Silva Amado (born 21 July 1999) is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a forward for Benfica in the Campeonato Nacional Feminino.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Amado Numerology: Name Amado has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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