What does the name Alphonse mean? What is the meaning of the name Alphonse?
Meaning of Alphonse: Name Alphonse in the French, German origin, means A famous name bearer meaning noble being ready for war. Name Alphonse is of French, German origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Alphonse (Namesakes)
- Kódjo Kassé Alphonse
- Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou
Louis Alphonse of Bourbon (Spanish: Luis Alfonso Gonzalo Víctor Manuel Marco de Borbón y Martínez-Bordiú, French: Louis Alphonse Gonzalve Victor Emmanuel Marc de Bourbon; born 25 April 1974, in Madrid) is a member of the Royal House of Bourbon, and Legitimist pretender to the defunct French throne as Louis XX.
- Alphonse Tchami
Alphonse Marie Tchami Djomaha (born 14 September 1971) is a retired Cameroonian footballer who played as a striker.
- Alexandre Alphonse
Alexandre Alphonse (born June 17, 1982) is a French-born Guadeloupean football coach and a former player.
- Alphonse Leweck
Alphonse "Fons" Leweck (born 16 December 1981) is a former Luxembourgian footballer, who last played for FC Erpeldange 72 and was also a member of the Luxembourg national team.
- Alphonse Bongnaim
Alphonse Bongnaim is a Vanuatuan footballer who plays as a defender.
- Alphonse Areola
Alphonse Francis Areola (French: [alfɔ̃s aʁeɔla]; born 27 February 1993) is a French professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Real Madrid, on loan from Paris Saint-Germain, and the France national team.
- Alphonse Soppo
Alphonse Soppo (born 15 May 1985, in Yaoundé, Cameroon) is a Cameroonian football midfielder who plays for FK Zeta.
- Mickaël Alphonse
Mickaël Alphonse (born 12 July 1989) is a Guadeloupean professional footballer who plays for Dijon FCO in French first tier as a right fullback.
- Alphonse Nshimiyiama
Alphonse Nshimiyiama (born 1 July 1965) is a Rwandan former cyclist.
- Alphonse Munyeshyaka
Alphonse Munyeshyaka is a Rwandan Olympic middle-distance runner.
- Alphonse Gomis
Alphonse Gomis (born 14 October 1965) is a Senegalese alpine skier.
- Alphonse Qorig
Alphonse Welin Qorig (born 7 July 1981) is a retired Vanuatuan international footballer who played almost all of his career as a midfielder at Port Vila FA First Division side Shepherds United.
- Alphonse Hercule Matam
Alphonse Hercule Matam (born 1 April 1973) is a Cameroonian weightlifter.
- Christ Alphonse
Christ Alphonse Nandjui (born 6 October 2001), commonly known as Christ Alphonse, is a Ivorian footballer who currently plays for Ittihad Kalba.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Alphonse Numerology: Name Alphonse has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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