What does the name Almeida mean? What is the meaning of the name Almeida
Meaning of Almeida: Name Almeida in the Arabic, Afghan origin, means Low hill or plateau. Name Almeida is of Arabic, Afghan origin and is a Boy name. People with name Almeida are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Almeida (Namesakes)
- Joaquim de Almeida
Joaquim António Portugal Baptista de Almeida CvIH (born 15 March 1957) is a Portuguese-American actor.
Almeida began his acting career in theatre during the 1980s, he started his film career appearing on the 1982 action film The Soldier, and later achieved recognition for playing Andrea Bonanno in the 1987 Italian film Good Morning, Babylon.
- Ricardo Almeida
Ricardo Alves Almeida (Portuguese pronunciation: [ʁiˈkaʁdu awˈmejdɐ]; born November 29, 1976) is a Brazilian-American former mixed martial artist and currently a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu grappler residing in Bordentown, New Jersey.
- Luciano Almeida
Luciano Silva Almeida (born April 14, 1975 in Santana do Livramento) is a Brazilian left back.
- Paulo Almeida
Paulo Almeida Santos (born 20 April 1981) is a Brazilian footballer who last played for Vitória da Conquista.
- André Almeida
André Gomes Magalhães de Almeida (Portuguese pronunciation: [ɐ̃ˈdɾɛ ɑɫˈmɐjðɐ]; born 10 September 1990) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays for Benfica mainly as a full-back but also as a midfielder.
- Henrique Almeida
Henrique Almeida Caixeta Nascentes (born 27 May 1991), known as Henrique, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a striker for Goiás.
- Tiago Almeida
This name uses Portuguese naming customs.
- Júlia Almeida
Júlia Gonçalves de Almeida (born January 5, 1983) is a Brazilian actress.
- Marcus Almeida
Marcus Vinicius Oliveira de Almeida, also known as Buchecha (born January 8, 1990 in Santos, São Paulo, Brazil) is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner and black belt under Rodrigo Cavaca, who gave Almeida his nickname Buchecha, which means big cheeks.
- Elson Almeida
Elson do Rosario Almeida (born 23 June 1990, in Lissabon) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a right back, most recently for BVV Barendrecht in the Dutch Tweede Divisie.
- Saul Almeida
Saul Almeida (born June 4, 1992) is a Brazilian-American professional mixed martial artist currently competing in the Featherweight division of Absolute Championship Berkut.
- César Almeida
César Augusto Oliveira de Almeida (born 6 January 1989) is a Brazilian handball goalkeeper for BM Granollers and the Brazilian national team.
He won a gold medal at the 2015 Pan American Games and competed at the 2016 Summer Olympics and at the 2013 and 2015 world championships.
- Thomas Almeida
Thomas Guimarães Almeida (born July 31, 1991) is a Brazilian professional mixed martial artist who competes in the Bantamweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
- Steven Almeida
Simón Steven Almeida Trinidad (born January 26, 1995) is a Mexican footballer who currently plays for Cafetaleros de Tapachula as an attacking midfielder.
- Eduardo Almeida
Eduardo Filipe Arroja Almeida (born 22 March 1978), commonly known as Eduardo Almeida, is a Portuguese football manager for Liga 2 club Semen Padang.
- Rui Almeida
Rui Miguel Garcia Lopes de Almeida (born 29 September 1969) is a Portuguese professional football manager.
- José Luis Martínez-Almeida
José Luis Martínez-Almeida Navasqüés (born 17 April 1975) is a Spanish state lawyer and politician.
- Thaabit
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Almeida Numerology: Name Almeida has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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