What does the name Alice mean? What is the meaning of the name Alice
Meaning of Alice: Name Alice in the German origin, means Truth, gracious, reality. Name Alice is of German origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Alice (Namesakes)
- Alice Waters
Alice Louise Waters (born April 28, 1944) is an American chef, restaurateur, activist and author.
- Alice Munro
Alice Ann Munro (, née Laidlaw ; born 10 July 1931) is a Canadian short story writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013.
- Alice Walker
Alice Walker (born February 9, 1944) is an American novelist, short story writer, poet, and social activist.
- Alice Cooper
Alice Cooper (born Vincent Damon Furnier; February 4, 1948) is an American singer, songwriter, and actor whose career spans over 50 years.
- Alice Krige
Alice Maud Krige (; born 28 June 1954) is a South African actress and producer.
- Alice Hoffman
Alice Hoffman (born March 16, 1952) is an American novelist and young-adult and children's writer, best known for her 1995 novel Practical Magic, which was adapted for a 1998 film of the same name.
- Alice Walton
Alice Louise Walton (born October 7, 1949) is an American heir to the fortune of Walmart Inc.
- Mary Alice
Mary Alice Smith (born December 3, 1941), known professionally as Mary Alice, is an American film, television, and stage actress.
- Alice Wu
Alice Wu (Chinese: 伍思薇; born April 21, 1970) is an American film director and screenwriter.
- Alice Lowe
Alice Eva Lowe (born 3 April 1977) is an English actress, writer, and comedian.
- Alice Eve
Alice Sophia Eve (born 6 February 1982) is an English-American actress.
- Alice Evans
- Alice Braga
Alice Braga Moraes (born April 15, 1983) is a Brazilian actress.
- Alice Roberts
Alice May Roberts (born 19 May 1973) is an English biological anthropologist, biologist, television presenter and author.
- Alice Bag
Alicia "Alice" Armendariz, (born November 7, 1958) known professionally as Alice Bag, is an American punk rock singer, musician, author, educator and feminist archivist.
- Alice Glass
Alice Glass (real name Margaret Osborn, born 23 August 1988) is a Canadian singer and songwriter.
- Alice Dixson
Alice Dixson (born July 28, 1969, Jessie Alice Celones Dixson) or often misspelled Alice Dixon, is a Filipino-American actress, commercial model, and former beauty queen.
- Alice Levine
Alice Esme Levine (born 8 July 1986) is a British broadcaster.
- Alice Crimmins
Alice Crimmins (born 1939) is an American woman who was charged with killing her two children, 5-year-old Eddie and 4-year-old Alice Marie, known as Missy, who went missing on July 14, 1965.
- Alice Merton
Alice Merton (born 13 September 1993) is a German-Canadian-British singer and songwriter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Alice Numerology: Name Alice has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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