What does the name Alexandro mean? What is the meaning of the name Alexandro
Meaning of Alexandro: Name Alexandro in the Greek origin, means Old Greek - Defender of Men; A variant of name Alexander. Name Alexandro is of Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Alexandro are usually Greek by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Alexandro: Old Greek - Defender of Men; A variant of name Alexander
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Famous people with name Alexandro (Namesakes)
- Ted Alexandro
Ted Alexandro (born January 26, 1969) is a stand-up comedian from New York City.
- Alexandro da Silva Batista
Alexandro da Silva Batista, known as Alexandro, (born November 6, 1986) is a Brazilian footballer who currently plays for Sampaio Corrêa RJ.
- Alexandro Álvarez
Alexandro Álvarez Olivares (born January 26, 1977 in Mexico City) is a retired Mexican professional footballer.
- Alexandro da Silva Santos
Alexandro da Silva Santos (Chinese: 尼高 Leko; born March 23, 1985), better known as Leko, is a Brazilian striker currently playing for Hong Kong First Division League club Sham Shui Po.
- Alexandros Kaklamanos
Alexandros Kaklamanos (Greek: Αλέξανδρος Κακλαμάνος; born 20 May 1974 in Rhodes, Greece ) is a Greek footballer who last played for Kleovoulos Lindou in the Rhodes as a striker.
- Marcos Alexandro de Carvalho Pereira
Marcos Alexandro de Carvalho Pereira simply known as Marcos is a retired Brazilian football player.
- Alexandro Pozzer
Alexandro Pozzer (born 21 December 1988) is a Brazilian handball player for CSM București and the Brazilian national team.
- Alexandros Sigkounas
Alexandros Sigkounas (alternate spelling: Sigounas) (Greek: Αλέξανδρος Σιγκούνας; born July 7, 1988) is a Greek professional basketball player for Vrijednosnice Osijek of the Croatian League.
- Alexandros Amanatidis
Alexandros Amanatidis (born (1987-05-12)12 May 1987) is a Cypriot male weightlifter, competing in the 77 kg category and representing Cyprus at international competitions.
- Alexandro Cavagnera
Alexandro Cavagnera (born 1 December 1998) is a Belgian footballer of Italian descent who plays as a midfielder.
- Alexandros Michail
Alexandros Michail (born 15 September 1974) is a retired Cypriot football goalkeeper.
- Alexandro Bernabei
Do you know any famous people named Alexandro, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Alexandro Numerology: Name Alexandro has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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