What does the name Alexandr mean? What is the meaning of the name Alexandr
Meaning of Alexandr: Name Alexandr in the Greek origin, means Old Greek -Protector of Mankind; Defender of Men; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Feminine form of Alexander. Name Alexandr is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Alexandr are usually Greek by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Alexandr: Old Greek -Protector of Mankind; Defender of Men; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Feminine form of Alexander
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Famous people with name Alexandr (Namesakes)
- Alexandr Belousov
- Alexandr Romankov
Alexandr Anatolyevich Romankov (Belarusian: Аляксандр Анатольевіч Раманькоў, tr.
- Alexandr Vondra
Alexandr Vondra (Czech pronunciation: [ˈalɛksandr̩ ˈvondra]; born 17 August 1961) is a Czech politician and diplomat who served as Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic from 2010 to 2012 under Prime Minister Petr Nečas and has been Member of the European Parliament (MEP) since 2019.
- Alexandr Kolobnev
Alexandr Vasilievich Kolobnev (Russian: Александр Васильевич Колобнев; born 4 May 1981) is a Russian former professional road bicycle racer.
- Alexandr Sukhorukov
Alexandr Nikolayevich Sukhorukov (Russian: Александр Николаевич Сухоруков, born 22 February 1988) is a Russian competitive swimmer who specializes in freestyle events.
- Alexandr Fier
Alexandr Hilário Takeda Sakai dos Santos Fier (born 11 March 1988) is a Brazilian chess grandmaster.
- Alexandr Zaichikov
Alexandr Zaichikov (Belarusian: Аляксандр Зайчыкаў; born (1992-08-17) 17 August 1992 in Minsk) is a Belarusian-born Kazakh weightlifter.
- Alexandr Shushemoin
Alexandr Shushemoin (born 26 February 1987) is a Kazakhstani professional racing cyclist.
- Alexandr Braico
Alexandr Braico (born 5 March 1988) is a Moldovan former professional racing cyclist, who rode professionally between 2008 and 2016 for the Olimpic Team Autoconstruct, Tuşnad and Jelly Belly–Maxxis teams.
- Alexandr Dymovskikh
Alexandr Dymovskikh (born 5 August 1983) is a Kazakh cyclist.
- Alexandr Shidlovskiy
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Shidlovsky (Александр Александрович Шидловский, born 14 July 1974) is a Russian born Kazakhstani water polo player.
- Alexandr Polukhin
Aleksandr Viktorovich Polukhin (Александр Викторович Полухин, born 15 October 1961) is a Kazakhstani water polo player.
- Alexandr Kazakov
Alexandr Kazakov (Belarusian: Аляксандр Казакоў; Russian: Александр Казаков; born 31 August 1986) is a Belarusian figure skater and coach.
- Alexandr Bilinkis
Alexandr Bilinkis (born 28 June 1968, Kishinev, Moldavian SSR, Soviet Union) – businessman, public and diplomatic figure, philanthropist.
- Alexandr Vasyukhno
Alexandr Vasyukhno (born 1 June 1997) is a Russian professional racing cyclist.
- Alexandr Predke
Alexandr Predke (Russian: Александр Александрович Предке; born 5 January 1994), is a Russian chess grandmaster (2016).
- Alexandr Stoyanov
Alexandr Stoyanov (July 10, 1987) is a Ukrainian ballet dancer.
- Alexandr Belkin
Alexandr Belkin (born 7 January 1983) is a Russian snowboarder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Alexandr Numerology: Name Alexandr has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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