What does the name Aleksej mean? What is the meaning of the name Aleksej
Meaning of Aleksej: Name Aleksej means Warrior. Name Aleksej is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Aleksej (Namesakes)
- Aleksejs Višņakovs
Aleksejs Višņakovs (born 3 February 1984 in Riga) is a Latvian football midfielder, who currently plays for Riga FC in Latvian Higher League.
- Aleksej Aleksandrov
Aleksej Aleksandrov (born 11 May 1973) is a Belarusian chess player.
- Aleksejs Šarando
Aleksejs Šarando (born 1 January 1964) is a former football midfielder from Latvia, currently the assistant manager of Skonto FC-2 in the Latvian First League.
- Aleksejs Semjonovs
Aleksejs Semjonovs (born 2 April 1973) is a retired Latvian international football midfielder, who also holds the Russian nationality.
- Aleksejs Širokovs
Aleksejs Širokovs (born February 20, 1981) is a Latvian professional ice hockey player currently playing for Dresdner Eislöwen of the DEL2.
- Aleksejs Rumjancevs
Aleksejs Rumjancevs (born 13 February 1986) is a Latvian sprint canoer who has competed since the late 2000s.
- Aleksej Nešović
Aleksej Nešović (Serbian: Алексеј Нешовић; born March 14, 1985) is a Bosnian professional basketball player.
- Aleksej Nikolić
Aleksej Nikolić (born February 21, 1995) is a Slovenian professional basketball player for Universo Treviso Basket of the Lega Basket Serie A (LBA).
- Aleksejs Volosanovs
Aleksejs Volosanovs (born 5 March 1975) is a retired Latvian footballer who played for numerous clubs in Latvia and England.
- Aleksej Pokuševski
Aleksej Pokuševski (Serbian Cyrillic: Алексеј Покушевски; born December 26, 2001) is a Serbian-Greek professional basketball player for Olympiacos Piraeus of the EuroLeague, as well as the club's reserve team (Olympiacos B).
- Aleksej Demjanov
Aleksej Demjanov (born 9 December 1973) is a Croatian gymnast.
- Aleksejs Grjaznovs
- Aleksejs Saveljevs
Aleksejs Saveljevs (born 30 January 1999) is a Latvian football player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Aleksej Numerology: Name Aleksej has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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