What does the name Aleksan mean? What is the meaning of the name Aleksan?
Meaning of Aleksan: Name Aleksan means Duminitive of Alexander that means the defender of mankind. Name Aleksan is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Aleksan: Duminitive of Alexander that means the defender of mankind
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Famous people with name Aleksan (Namesakes)
- Aleksandar Živković (footballer, born 1977)
- Aleksandar Rodić
Aleksandar Rodić (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Родић, pronounced [aleksǎːndar rǒːditɕ, alěksaːn-]; born 26 December 1979) is a Slovenian professional football player who plays for Itala San Marco.
- Aleksandar Kolarov
Aleksandar Kolarov (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Коларов, pronounced [aleksǎːndar kolǎroʋ, alěksaːn-]; born 10 November 1985) is a Serbian professional footballer who plays for Italian club Roma and captains the Serbia national team.
- Aleksandar Prijović
Aleksandar Prijović (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Пpиjoвић, pronounced [aleksǎːndar prǐːjoʋitɕ, alěksaːn-]; born 21 April 1990) is a Serbian footballer who plays as a striker for Saudi Arabian club Al-Ittihad and for the Serbian national team.
- Aleksandar Miljković (footballer, born 1990)
Aleksandar Miljković (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Миљковић, pronounced [aleksǎːndar mǐːʎkoʋitɕ, alěksaːn-]; born 26 February 1990) is a Serbian footballer who plays as a right back for Armenian club FC Alashkert.
- Aleksandar Jevtić
Aleksandar Jevtić (Serbian Cyrillic: Aлекcaндap Jeвтић, pronounced [aleksǎːndar jěːʋtitɕ, alěksaːn-]; born 30 March 1985) is a Serbian football striker who plays for FK Voždovac.
- Aleksandar Dragović
Aleksandar Dragović (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Драговић, pronounced [aleksǎːndar drâɡoʋitɕ, alěksaːn-]; born 6 March 1991) is an Austrian professional footballer who plays as a defender for German club Bayer Leverkusen and Austria national team, He is well known for his performances as a tough-tackling centre-back.
- Aleksandar Stanojević
Aleksandar Stanojević (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Станојевић, pronounced [aleksǎːndar stanǒːjeʋitɕ, alěksaːn-]; born 28 October 1973) is a Serbian professional football manager and former player.
- Aleksandar Jovanovic (footballer, born 1989)
Aleksandar Jovanović (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Јовановић, pronounced [aleksǎːndar jǒʋanoʋitɕ, alěksaːn-, - joʋǎːn-]; born 4 August 1989) is an Australian professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for Bosnian Premier League club Željezničar.
- Aleksander Karapetyan
Aleksandr "Alex" Karapetyan (born 17 August 1970 in Gyumri, Armenia) is an Armenian weightlifter who later represented Australia.
- Aleksandar Jovanović (footballer, born December 1992)
Aleksandar Jovanović (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Јовановић, pronounced [aleksǎːndar jǒʋanoʋitɕ, alěksaːn-, - joʋǎː-]; born 6 December 1992) is a Serbian football goalkeeper who plays for Deportivo de La Coruña on loan from SD Huesca.
- Aleksandar Vukic
Aleksandar Vukic (Serbo-Croatian: Aleksandar Vukić, pronounced [aleksǎːndar ʋǔːkitɕ, alěksaːn-]; born 6 April 1996) is an Australian tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Aleksan Numerology: Name Aleksan has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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