What does the name Aleks mean? What is the meaning of the name Aleks?
Meaning of Aleks: Name Aleks in the English, Greek origin, means Old Greek - Defender of Men; A variant of name Alec and Alexander. Name Aleks is of English, Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Aleks are usually Christianity, Greek by religion.
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Famous people with name Aleks (Namesakes)
- Aleks Syntek
Raúl Alejandro Escajadillo Peña (born September 29, 1969), known by his stage name, Aleks Syntek, is a Mexican singer and songwriter.
- Aleks Krotoski
Aleksandra Krystyna Theresa "Aleks" Krotoski (born 22 October 1974) is a Polish-American broadcaster, journalist and social psychologist, resident of the United Kingdom who writes about technology and interactivity.
- Aleksandar Kolarov
Aleksandar Kolarov (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар Коларов, pronounced [aleksǎːndar kolǎroʋ, alěksaːn-]; born 10 November 1985) is a Serbian professional footballer who plays for Italian club Roma and captains the Serbia national team.
- Aleks Marić
Aleksandar Marić (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар "Алекс“ Марић, born 22 October 1984) is an Australian-Serbian former professional basketball player.
- Aleks Vanderpool-Wallace
Vincent Samuel Aleksander Vanderpool-Wallace (born 11 May 1988) is a Bahamian international soccer player who plays for Bears FC and the national team, as a defender.
- Aleks Tarn
Aleks Tarn (Aleksey Tarnovitsky) (1955) is a journalist and author who was born in the Russian Far East, Primorsky Krai.
- Aleks Matsukatov
Aleks Romanovich Matsukatov (Russian: Алекс Романович Мацукатов; born 11 January 1999) is a Russian football player who plays for FC Krasnodar-2.
- Aleks Paunovic
Aleks Paunovic (born June 29, 1969) is a Canadian actor.
- Aleks Berkolds
Aleksander Berkolds (born 27 April 1996) is an American soccer player who currently plays as a defender for Reno 1868 in the USL Championship.
- Aleks Ławniczak
Aleks Ławniczak (born 5 May 1999), is a Polish professional footballer who plays as a defender for Warta Poznań.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Aleks Numerology: Name Aleks has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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