What does the name Ale mean? What is the meaning of the name Ale?
Meaning of Ale: Name Ale means Defender of man. Name Ale is a Boy name.
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Ale
Famous people with name Ale (Namesakes)
- Ale Möller
Arild Staffan Möller (born March 26, 1955), known professionally as Ale Möller, is a Swedish musician and composer.
- John Ales
John Ales (born January 3, 1969) is an American actor best known for appearing in Spy Hard, The Nutty Professor, You Wish, and other films and television series.
- Ale Vanzella
Ale Vanzella (born February 5, 1984) is a Brazilian musician who mixes bossa nova with indie rock.
- Agustín Ale
Agustín Ale Perego (born 19 February 1995 in Las Piedras, Canelones) is an Uruguayan footballer who plays as a central defender for Delfín in the Ecuadorian Serie A.
- Ale Müller
Alejandra Müller Arrieta (born October 29, 1997, in Mexico City, Mexico), known as Ale Müller, is a Mexican actress and singer who first gained popularity for her debut role as Clara Licona in the Mexican sitcom La CQ.
She also voiced Valentina Luis in the film La leyenda de las momias de Guanajuato, and performed on stage in Santa Claus y la carta misteriosa.
- Ale González
Alejandro "Ale" González Hernández (born 18 December 1994) is a Spanish footballer who plays for CD Mensajero mainly as a right winger.
- Robbie Ale
Robert Anthony Ale (born 4 September 1973) is a Samoan rugby union player.
- AleXa
Alexaundra Christine Schneiderman (born (1996-12-09)December 9, 1996), better known by her stage name AleXa (Korean: 알렉사) and formerly Alex Christine (알렉스 크리스틴), is an American singer based in South Korea.
- Arnold Ale
Arnold Ale (born June 17, 1970) is a former American football linebacker.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Ale Numerology: Name Ale has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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