What does the name Aldrich mean? What is the meaning of the name Aldrich?
Meaning of Aldrich: Name Aldrich in the English origin, means Wise sage. Name Aldrich is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Aldrich (Namesakes)
- Aldrich Ames
Aldrich Hazen "Rick" Ames (; born May 26, 1941) is a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer turned KGB double agent, who was convicted of espionage in 1994.
- Pieter Aldrich
Pieter ("Piet") Aldrich (born 7 September 1965) is a former professional tennis player from South Africa.
- Doug Aldrich
Doug Aldrich (born February 19, 1964) is a Los Angeles-based hard rock guitarist.
- Sarah Aldrich
Sarah Aldrich (born February 10, 1970) is an American actress.
- Cole Aldrich
Cole David Aldrich (born October 31, 1988) is a former American professional basketball player for the Tianjin Golden Lions of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA).
- Jay Aldrich
Jay Robert Aldrich (born April 14, 1961) is a former Major League Baseball player who pitched for the Milwaukee Brewers, Atlanta Braves and the Baltimore Orioles.
- David E. Aldrich
David E. Aldrich (born February 8, 1963 in New York), is an American producer, director, cinematographer, editor, and information technology professional.
- Jeremy Aldrich
Jeremy Aldrich is a retired American soccer defender who spent two seasons in Major League Soccer.
- Aldrich Bailey
Aldrich Bailey Jr. (born February 6, 1994) is an American sprinter.
- Janet Aldrich
Janet Aldrich (born Janet Wallerich in Hinsdale, Illinois, on October 16, 1956) is an American actress and singer known for her work on Broadway in musical theater and television.
- JJ Aldrich
JJ Ryan Mosses Aldrich (born September 29, 1992) is an American mixed martial artist who competes in the Strawweight division.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Aldrich Numerology: Name Aldrich has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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