What does the name Aldana mean? What is the meaning of the name Aldana?
Meaning of Aldana: Name Aldana in the Argentina origin, means A Basque place name, meaning side slope.. Name Aldana is of Argentina origin and is a Girl name. People with name Aldana are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Aldana: A Basque place name, meaning side slope.
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Famous people with name Aldana (Namesakes)
- Luis Artemio Aldana Burgos
Luis Artemio Aldana Burgos (born 21 October 1962) is a Mexican politician from the National Action Party.
- Víctor Aldana
Víctor Aldana Maestre (born 9 June 1981, Badajoz, Spain) is a Spanish former footballer with Romanian citizenship.
- Adolfo Aldana
Adolfo Aldana Torres (born 5 January 1966) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a right midfielder.
- Andrea Aldana
Andrea Aldana Bennett is a Guatemalan sports sailor.
- Lucia Aldana
Carmen Lucía Aldana Roldán (born March 9, 1992 in Cali) is a Colombian model and holds the title of Miss Colombia 2012.
- Luis Ricardo Aldana
Luis Ricardo Aldana Prieto (born 3 May 1954) is a Mexican politician affiliated with the PRI. As of 2013 he served as Deputy of both the LX and LXII Legislatures of the Mexican Congress representing Veracruz.
- Irene Aldana
Irene "Robles" Aldana (born March 26, 1988) is a Mexican mixed martial artist who competes in the Bantamweight division.
- Maria Aldana Cetra
Maria Aldana Cetra (born 17 July 1980) is an Argentine professional racing cyclist.
- Eduardo Fernández Aldana
Eduardo Fernández (born March 4, 1990 in Mérida, Yucatán) is a professional Mexican footballer who currently plays for Venados.
- Thelma Aldana
Thelma Esperanza Aldana Hernández (locally ['telma espe'ɾansa al'dana eɾ'nanðes]; born 27 September 1955) is a Guatemalan jurist and politician, former President of the Supreme Court and former Attorney General.
- Melissa Aldana
Melissa Aldana (born 3 December 1988) is a Chilean tenor saxophone player, who performs both as a soloist and with her band Melissa Aldana & Crash Trio.
- Aldana Cometti
Aldana Cometti (born 3 March 1996) is an Argentine footballer who plays as a defender for Spanish club Sevilla FC and the Argentina women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Aldana Numerology: Name Aldana has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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