What does the name Alastair mean? What is the meaning of the name Alastair
Meaning of Alastair: Name Alastair means Defender, Protector of mankind; a form of Alexander. Name Alastair is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Alastair (Namesakes)
- Alastair Reynolds
Alastair Preston Reynolds (born 13 March 1966) is a British science fiction author.
- Alastair Campbell
Alastair John Campbell (born 25 May 1957) is a British journalist, broadcaster, political aide and author.
- Alastair Stewart
Alastair James Stewart OBE (born 22 June 1952) is an English journalist and newscaster, formerly presenting for ITV News.
- Alastair Cook
Sir Alastair Nathan Cook (born 25 December 1984) is an English cricketer who plays for Essex County Cricket Club, and formerly for England in all international formats.
- Alastair Hignell
Alastair James Hignell (born 4 September 1955 in Cambridge) is an English former rugby union international and cricketer, and broadcaster.
- Alastair Clarkson
Alastair Clarkson (born 27 April 1968) is an Australian rules football coach and former player.
- Alastair Bruce of Crionaich
Major General Alastair Andrew Bernard Reibey Bruce of Crionaich (born 25 June 1960) is a British Army reservist, journalist and television correspondent, who commanded the TA Media Operations Group, before being appointed in 2019 Governor of Edinburgh Castle.
Royal, Religious and National Events Commentator for Sky News, the 24-hour television news service operated by satellite broadcaster Sky, Bruce has also worked for the BBC, and is a historical adviser for several feature films and the ITV series Downton Abbey.
- Alastair Duncan (actor)
Alastair Neil Duncan (born 29 January 1958) is a Scottish actor of television, film and stage actor, and real estate broker.
- Alastair Redfern
- Alastair Mackenzie
Alastair Mackenzie (born 8 February 1970) is a Scottish actor from Perth.
- Alastair Miles
Alastair Miles (born 11 July 1961, Harrow, England) is a British operatic and concert bass who has had an international career since the late 1980s.
- Alastair Brogdon
Alastair Richard Brogdon (born 10 November 1987) is a British and English field hockey player who competed at 2016 Rio Olympics for Team GB.
Brogdon made his international debut in 2006 and received his 100th England cap against Argentina at the 2014 Champions Trophy.
- Alastair Reynolds (footballer)
- Alastair Morgan
Alastair William James Morgan (born 28 May 1958) is the former United Kingdom ambassador to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
In his diplomatic career, he served mainly in East Asia especially in China and Japan; namely, First Secretary in Tokyo from 1991 to 1996, Director of Investment in Tokyo from 2002 to 2006, Commercial Counsellor in Beijing from 2007 to 2010, and as Consul-General in Guangzhou from 2010 to 2014.
- Alastair Lyons
Alastair David Lyons CBE (born 18 October 1953) is a British businessman.
- Alastair Land
(William Martin) Alastair Land (born 1971) is an English schoolmaster who has taught at Eton College and Winchester College, where he was Master in College, and has been headmaster of Repton School and Harrow School.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Alastair Numerology: Name Alastair has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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