What does the name Aksel mean? What is the meaning of the name Aksel
Meaning of Aksel: Name Aksel in the English, Norwegian origin, means A variant of name Axel which means Defender of Men in Old Greek. Name Aksel is of English, Norwegian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Aksel are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Aksel (Namesakes)
- Aksel Lund Svindal
Aksel Lund Svindal (born 26 December 1982) is a Norwegian former World Cup alpine ski racer.
- Aksel Hennie
Aksel Hennie (born 29 October 1975) is a Norwegian actor, director, and screenwriter.
- Aksel Berget Skjølsvik
Aksel Berget Skjølsvik (born 15 May 1987 in Åndalsnes) is a Norwegian former footballer who played as a midfielder or striker.
- Aksel Hagen
Aksel Hagen is a Norwegian politician and member of the Storting, representing the Socialist Left Party (SV) in the county of Oppland.
- Aksel-Otto Bull
Aksel-Otto Bull (born 22 February 1963) is a Norwegian theatre director.
- Aksel V. Johannesen
Aksel Vilhelmsson Johannesen (born 8 November 1972 in Klaksvík) is a Faroese lawyer and politician for the Social Democratic Party (Javnaðarflokkurin) and a former footballer.
- Aksel Gresvig (sailor)
Aksel Gresvig (born 21 November 1941) is a Norwegian competitive sailor.
- Aksel Nõmmela
Aksel Nõmmela (born 22 October 1994) is an Estonian cyclist, who currently rides for UCI ProTeam Bingoal–Wallonie Bruxelles.
- Aksel Aktas
Aksel Aktas (Turkish: Aksel Aktaş; born 15 July 1999) is a Turkish footballer who plays as a midfielder for Kayserispor.
- Aksel Rykkvin
Aksel Johannes Skramstad Rykkvin (born 11 April 2003) is a Norwegian singer.
- Tor-Aksel Busch
Tor-Aksel Busch (born 17 March 1950) is a Norwegian jurist.
- Aksel Malling Mikkelsen
Aksel Malling Mikkelsen (born 15 June 1948) is a Danish equestrian.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Aksel Numerology: Name Aksel has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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