What does the name Akil mean? What is the meaning of the name Akil
Meaning of Akil: Name Akil in the Indian origin, means Sweet Smell; Fire; The Wanderer; Intelligent; Thoughtful. Name Akil is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Akil are usually Hindu by religion.
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Meaning and Origin
User Submited Meanings
Origin | Meaning | Gender |
African | Intelligent; Thoughtful; One who Uses Reason; Place name; Pain or Lipless; Sweet Smell; One who Surrounds whole World; Fire; The Wanderer | Boy |
added by User . on Feb 26, 2024 from United States |
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Famous people with name Akil (Namesakes)
- Mara Brock Akil
Mara Brock Akil (born Mara Dionne Brock, May 27, 1970) is an American screenwriter and television producer.
- Akil Byron
Akil Byron (born June 10, 1980) is a football (soccer) goalkeeper, who plays for Newtown United.
- Huda Akil
Huda Akil is a Syrian–American neuroscientist whose pioneering research has contributed to the understanding of the neurobiology of emotions, including pain, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.
- Azamuddin Akil
Azamuddin Bin Mohd Akil (born 16 April 1985), commonly known as Alex, is a Malaysian footballer who plays for Kedah.
- Hussein Akil
- Akil Grier
Akil Akeme Anthony Jumaane Grier (born 15 September 1992) is a former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Akil DeFreitas
Akil DeFreitas (born 7 November 1986) is a Trinidadian footballer who currently plays for FC Jazz in the Finnish Ykkönen.
- Akil Mochtar
Akil Mochtar is a convicted former-Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia that was indicted for his acceptance of bribery for an election dispute case, prompting President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who'd appointed him, to sign legislation creating a permanent ethics body to supervise the Constitutional Court of Indonesia.
- Akil Mitchell
Akil Anthony Mitchell (born June 26, 1992) is an American-Panamanian professional basketball player for Pallacanestro Trieste of the Italian Lega Basket Serie A (LBA).
- Akil Patterson
Akil Sadiki Patterson (born January 1, 1983) attended Frederick High School, Maryland, where he was an All-State Athlete in Football, Wrestling, and Track & Field as a shot-putter.
- Akil Blount
Akil Blount (born July 2, 1994) is an American football linebacker who is a free agent.
- Pelin Akil
Pelin Akil (born 17 April 1986) is a Turkish actress.
- Akil Greenidge
Akil Greenidge (born 24 December 1996) is a Barbadian cricketer.
- Akil Thomas
Akil Thomas (born January 2, 2000) is a Canadian ice hockey centre for the Peterborough Petes of the Ontario Hockey League (OHL).
- Akil Abdulhamid Kureshi
Justice Akil Abdulhamid Kureshi (born 7 March 1960) is an Indian judge.
- Akil Watts
Akil Amen-Diop Watts (born February 4, 2000), is an American footballer who plays as a right-back for Louisville City FC at the USL Championship.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Akil Numerology: Name Akil has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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