What does the name Akbar mean? What is the meaning of the name Akbar
Meaning of Akbar: Name Akbar in the Arabic origin, means greatest, jalal ud-din akbar: the greatest mughal emperor. Name Akbar is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Akbar are usually Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Akbar (Namesakes)
- M. J. Akbar
Mobasher Jawed "M. J." Akbar (born 11 January 1951) is an Indian journalist and politician, who served as the Minister of State (MoS) for External Affairs until 17 October 2018.
- Akbar Gbaja-Biamila
Akbar Oluwakemi-Idowu Gbajabiamila (born May 6, 1979), is a former professional American football player of the National Football League (NFL), who currently is the co-host for American Ninja Warrior, works as a sports analyst for the NFL Network, and author.
- Akbar Tandjung
Akbar Tandjung (born Sibolga, North Sumatra; 14 August 1945) is an Indonesian politician who is a former chairman of Golkar Party.
- Akbar Abdi
Akbar Abdi (Persian: اکبر عبدی, born 26 August 1960 in Tehran, Iran) is an Iranian actor and comedian.
- Akbar Ahmed
Akbar Salahuddin Ahmed, (born.
- Hakim Akbar
Akmal Hakim Akbar (born August 11, 1980) is a former American football linebacker of the National Football League and Canadian Football League.
- Akbar Ansari
Akbar Ansari (Urdu: اکبر انصاری; born 3 July 1988) is an English First-class and List A cricketer who played his First-class games for Cambridge University Cricket Club and Cambridge University Centre of Cricketing Excellence, and List A cricket for Marylebone Cricket Club.
- Asif Akbar
Asif Akbar (born 25 March 1972) is a Bangladeshi pop singer.
- Akbar Khan (director)
Akbar Khan (born 7 July 1949) is an Indian film actor, screenwriter, producer and director.
- Asri Akbar
Asri Akbar (born 29 January 1984) is a Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays for Persijap Jepara as a midfielder in the Liga 2.
- Akbar Ahmad
- Akbar Kargarjam
Akbar Kargarjam is an Iranian association football defender who played for Iran at the 1972 Summer Olympics.
- Ahmed Akbar Sobhan
Ahmed Akbar Sobhan (Shah Alam) (born on 15 February 1952), is a Bangladeshi business magnate.
- Akbar Ismatullaev
Akbar Ismatullaev is an Uzbekistani footballer who plays as a defender.
- Ali Akbar (director)
Ali Akbar is an Indian film lyricist, screenwriter, and director in Malayalam movies.
- Akbar Askani
Mir Akbar Askani is a Pakistani politician who elected twice as a Member of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan, from May 2013 to till today.
- Ahmed Ali Akbar
Ahmed Ali Akbar is a Pakistani actor, singer, TV host and former national level tennis player.
- Eshaan Akbar
- Vikrian Akbar
Vikrian Akbar Fathoni (born on March 31, 2000) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays for Arema in the Liga 1 as a midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Akbar Numerology: Name Akbar has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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