What does the name Akari mean? What is the meaning of the name Akari
Meaning of Akari: Name Akari in the Japanese origin, means Light; Brightness. Name Akari is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Akari (Namesakes)
- Akari Kaida
Akari Kaida (海田 明里, Kaida Akari, born January 10, 1974) is a Japanese video game music composer.
- Akari Hibino
Akari Hibino (日比野 朱里, Hibino Akari, born Yōko Ogai (小粥 よう子, Ogai Yōko), July 5, 1959, Shizuoka, Japan) is a Japanese voice actress best known for her role as the young Tsubasa Oozora in the soccer anime Captain Tsubasa.
- Akari Saho
Akari Saho (佐保 明梨, Saho Akari, born June 8, 1995) is a member of Up-Up Girls and a former member of Hello!
- Akari Takeuchi
Akari Takeuchi (竹内朱莉, Takeuchi Akari, born November 23, 1997) is a second-generation member and the leader of Japanese idol pop group Angerme.
- Akari Hayami
Akari Hayami (早見 あかり, Hayami Akari, born March 17, 1995) is a Japanese actress, model and former idol singer known as a former member and subleader of the female musical group Momoiro Clover Z. Her Momoiro Clover image color was blue.
- Akari Asahina
Akari Asahina (Japanese: 朝日奈あかり, Hepburn: Asahina Akari, born 30 May 1988) is a Japanese actress.
- Akari Uemura
Akari Uemura (植村 あかり, Uemura Akari, born 30 December 1998, in Osaka Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese pop singer and idol pop singer signed to Hello!
- Akari Oumi
Akari Oumi (近江 あかり, Oumi Akari, born 10 November 1989) is a Japanese volleyball player who retired from the NEC Red Rockets after the 2016-2017 season.
- Akari Suda
Akari Suda (須田 亜香里, Suda Akari, born 31 October 1991 in Aichi Prefecture) is a Japanese tarento and a member of the Japanese idol girl group SKE48 represented by Twin Planet.
- Akari Yoshida
Akari Yoshida (吉田 朱里, Yoshida Akari, born 16 August 1996 in Osaka Prefecture) is a member of the Japanese idol girl group NMB48.
- Akari Yamada
Akari Yamada (山田 朱莉, Yamada Akari, born 25 May 1996, in Osaka Prefecture) is a Japanese fashion model, actress, and model.
- Akari Kitō
Akari Kitō (鬼頭 明里, Kitō Akari, born October 16, 1994) is a Japanese voice actress from Aichi Prefecture affiliated with Pro-Fit.
- Akari Nanawo
Akari Nanawo (ナナヲ アカリ, Nanao Akari, born November 12, 1995) is a Japanese musician from Osaka Prefecture who is signed to Sony Music Entertainment Japan.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Akari Numerology: Name Akari has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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