What does the name Aiko mean? What is the meaning of the name Aiko
Meaning of Aiko: Name Aiko in the Japanese origin, means love, affection. Name Aiko is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Aiko (Namesakes)
- Aiko, Princess Toshi
Aiko, Princess Toshi (敬宮愛子内親王, Toshi-no-miya Aiko Naishinnō, born 1 December 2001) is the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako of Japan.
- Aiko (singer)
Aiko Yanai (柳井愛子, Yanai Aiko, born 22 November 1975), known by her stage name Aiko, (stylized as aiko) is a Japanese pop singer and songwriter.
- Aiko Kayō
Aiko Kayō (嘉陽 愛子, Kayō Aiko, born December 11, 1985) is a singer, and actress.
- Aiko Asano
Aiko Asano (浅野 愛子, Asano Aiko, born 2 March 1969) is a Japanese actress and singer.
- Jhené Aiko
Jhené Aiko Efuru Chilombo (born March 16, 1988) is an American singer and songwriter, who embarked on her music career contributing vocals and appearing in several music videos for R&B group B2K. At the time, she was known as B2K member Lil' Fizz's "cousin", though she is not actually related to him.
- Aiko Melendez
Aiko Melendez (born December 16, 1975) is a Filipino actress and former politician.
- Aiko Otake
Aiko Otake (大竹 愛子, Ōtake Aiko, born March 10, 1994) is a Japanese gravure idol of Spanish, Austrian, Chinese and Filipino descent who debuted in 2010.
- Aiko Itō
Aiko Itō (いとう あいこ, Itō Aiko, born October 24, 1980, in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture) is a former Japanese actress who was affiliated with Stardust Promotion.
- Aiko Climaco
Aiko Climaco (born 6 August 1989) is a Filipina actress and model.
- Aiko Hayashi
Aiko Hayashi (林 愛子, Hayashi Aiko, born 17 November 1993) is a Japanese competitor in synchronized swimming.
She won 2 bronze medals at the 2015 World Aquatics Championships.
- Aiko Sugihara
Aiko Sugihara (杉原 愛子, Sugihara Aiko, born (1999-09-19)19 September 1999) is a Japanese female artistic gymnast and a member of the national team.
- Aiko Kaitou
Aiko Kaitou (皆藤 愛子, Kaitō Aiko, born January 25, 1984, in Yotsukaidō, Chiba Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese newscaster and tarento represented by Cent Force.
- Aiko Sato (actress)
Aiko Sato (佐藤 藍子, Satō Aiko, born 26 September 1977, in Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan) is a Japanese actress and tarento.
- Aiko Kitahara
Aiko Kitahara (北原愛子) is a former Japanese pop singer and songwriter under the Giza Studio label.
- Aiko Takahama
Aiko Takahama (高浜 愛子, Takahama Aiko, born October 2, 1984) is a Japanese women's professional shogi player ranked 2-kyū.
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Krittika Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Aiko Numerology: Name Aiko has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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