What does the name Agung mean? What is the meaning of the name Agung
Meaning of Agung: Name Agung in the Indonesian origin, means Grand or great. Name Agung is of Indonesian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Agung are usually Buddhist by religion.
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Famous people with name Agung (Namesakes)
- Agung Laksono
Agung Laksono (born March 23, 1949) is an Indonesian politician and former Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare in the Second United Indonesia Cabinet and a member of the Golkar Party.
- Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga
Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Puspayoga (born July 7, 1965) is an Indonesian politician.
- Agung Setyabudi
Agung Setyabudi (born 2 November 1972 in Solo, Central Java) is an Indonesian footballer, he normally plays as a defender and is 175 cm (69 in) tall.
- Suryo Agung Wibowo
Suryo Agung Wibowo (born 8 October 1983) is an Indonesian sprinter who specializes in the 100 metres.
- Agung Suprayogi
Agung Suprayogi (born on December 4, 1984) is an Indonesian footballer that last played for Persela Lamongan in the Indonesia Super League.
- Rian Agung Saputro
Rian Agung Saputro (born 25 June 1990) is an Indonesian badminton player.
- Agung Prasetyo (footballer, born 1978)
Agung Prasetyo (born January 16, 1978 in Surabaya) is an Indonesian footballer who currently plays for Persisam Putra Samarinda in the Indonesia Super League.
- Agung Supriyanto
Agung Supriyanto (born June 14, 1992 in Jepara, Central Java) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a forward for Putra Sinar Giri.
- Muhammad Agung Pribadi
Muhammad Agung Pribadi (born 23 July 1989) is an Indonesian professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder or right back for Liga 2 club PSKC Cimahi.
- Agung Prasetyo (footballer, born 1992)
Agung Prasetyo (born 22 December 1992) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a central defender for PSMS Medan in the Liga 2.
- Agung Mulyadi
Agung Mulyadi (born March 23, 1997) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for Liga 3 club Bandung United, on loan from Persib Bandung.
- Ahmad Agung
Ahmad Agung Setia Budi (born March 9, 1996) is an Indonesian professional football player who currently plays for Liga 1 club PSM Makassar as a defensive midfielder, he can also operate as a centre back.
- I Kadek Agung Widnyana
I Kadek Agung Widnyana Putra (born in June 25, 1998) is an Indonesian professional football player who currently plays as a midfielder for Liga 1 club Bali United.
- David Agung Susanto
David Agung Susanto (born 21 July 1991) is an Indonesian tennis player.
- Titan Agung
Titan Agung Bagus Fawwazi (born 5 June 2001) is an Indonesian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Indonesian Liga 1 club Arema.
- Cok Istri Agung Sanistyarani
Cok Istri Agung Sanistyarani (born 31 December 1994) is an Indonesian karateka.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Agung Numerology: Name Agung has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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