What does the name Agata mean? What is the meaning of the name Agata?
Meaning of Agata: Name Agata in the Greek, Swedish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Scandinavian, Spanish origin, means One who is good at heart and mind, pure, kind, gentle and a nature lover.. Name Agata is of Greek, Swedish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Scandinavian, Spanish origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Agata (Namesakes)
- Agata Kryger
Agata Kryger (born 29 November 1997) is a Polish figure skater.
- Morio Agata
Agata Morio (Japanese: あがた森魚, born 12 September 1948) is a Japanese folk rock singer-songwriter and actor.
- Agata Błażowska
Agata Błażowska (Polish pronunciation: [aˈɡata bwaˈʐɔfska]; born 30 March 1978) is a Polish former competitive ice dancer.
- Agata Gotova
Agata Gotova (born October 14, 1977) is a Russian actress and screenwriter.
- Agata Rosłońska
Agata Rosłońska (born 20 December 1983) is a Polish former competitive ice dancer.
- Agata Buzek
Agata Bronisława Buzek (born 20 September 1976) is a Polish actress and model.
- Agata Korc
Agata Ewa Korc (born 27 March 1986) is a Polish swimmer.
- Agata Passent
Agata Passent (born 4 February 1973 in Warsaw) is a Polish journalist and writer.
- Agata Kulesza
Agata Kulesza-Figurska (Polish: [aˈgata kuˈlɛʂa]; born 27 September 1971) is a Polish film, television and stage actress, and a member of the Polish Film Academy.
- Agata Trzebuchowska
Agata Trzebuchowska (Polish pronunciation: [aˈgata tʂɛbuˈxɔfska]; born 12 April 1992) is a Polish screenwriter and film director.
- Agata Barańska
Agata Barańska (born 23 December 1993) is a Polish former tennis player.
- Agata Kornhauser-Duda
Agata Kornhauser-Duda (born 2 April 1972) is a former Polish teacher and the current First Lady of Poland, as the wife of current President of Poland, Andrzej Duda.
- Agata Forkasiewicz
Agata Forkasiewicz (born 13 January 1994) is a Polish sprinter.
- Agata Witkowska
Agata Witkowska (née Durajczyk; born 19 August 1989) is a Polish female volleyball player, playing as a libero.
- Agata Suszka
Agata Katarzyna Suszka (born 27 September 1971) is a Polish biathlete.
- Agata Muceniece
Agata Muceniece (Latvian: Agate Muceniece, Russian: Агата Эдгаровна Муцениеце, born 1 March 1989) is a Latvian-born Russian actress and model, and television presenter.
- Agata Guściora
Agata Guściora (born 6 October 1994) is a Polish footballer who plays as a defender and has appeared for the Poland women's national team.
- Agata Parahina
Agata Parahina (born 9 August 1999, Ishimbay, Russia) is a Russian international draughts player and a current world champion in the women's biltz event.
- Agata Bulwa
Agata Bulwa (born 4 September 1975) is a Polish archer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Agata Numerology: Name Agata has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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