What does the name Adolf mean? What is the meaning of the name Adolf?
Meaning of Adolf: Name Adolf in the German, Danish origin, means A noble wolf, title of Hitler. Name Adolf is of German, Danish origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Adolf: A noble wolf, title of Hitler
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Famous people with name Adolf (Namesakes)
- Adolf Ogi
Adolf Ogi (born 18 July 1942) is a Swiss politician from the village of Kandersteg in the Swiss Alps.
He was elected to the Swiss Federal Council on 9 December 1987, as member of the Swiss People's Party from the Canton of Berne.
- Adolf Muschg
Adolf Muschg (born 13 May 1934) is a Swiss writer and professor of literature.
- Adolf Scherer
Adolf Scherer (born 5 May 1938) is a former Slovak footballer.
- Adolf Mwesige
Adolf Kasaija Mwesige (born 4 April 1966) is a Ugandan lawyer and politician who has served as Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs in the Cabinet of Uganda since 6 June 2016.
- Adolf Dinglreiter
Adolf Dinglreiter (born 27 October 1935) is a German politician from the Christian Social Union of Bavaria.
- Adolf Hirner
Adolf Hirner (born 3 May 1965) is an Austrian former ski jumper.
- Ruth Adolf
Ruth Adolf (born 3 July 1943) is a Swiss alpine skier.
- Adolf Mathis
Adolf Mathis (born 22 May 1938) is a Swiss alpine skier.
- Adolf Potočar
Adolf Potočar (born 18 August 1932) is a Croatian rower.
- Adolf Waser
Adolf Waser (born 5 February 1938) is a Swiss rower.
- Adolf Insam
Adolf Insam (born 4 August 1951) is an Italian ice hockey player.
- Adolf Scherwitzl
Adolf Scherwitzl (born 27 June 1938) is an Austrian biathlete.
- Balázs Adolf
Balázs Adolf (born 5 September 1999) is a Hungarian sprint canoeist.
He won a medal at the 2019 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships.
- Adolf Krause
Adolf Krause (born 25 November 1936) is a German field hockey player.
- Adolf Jakeš
Adolf Jakeš (born 20 May 1943) is a Czech sports shooter.
Do you know any famous people named Adolf, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Adolf Numerology: Name Adolf has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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