What does the name Aditya mean? What is the meaning of the name Aditya
Meaning of Aditya: Name Aditya in the Indian origin, means Lord of the sun. Name Aditya is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Aditya are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Aditya (Namesakes)
- Aditya Om
Aditya Om (born 5 October 1980) is an Indian film actor, writer, lyricist, director and producer and well known star in Telugu movies.
- Aaditya Thackeray
Aditya Uddhav Thackeray (born 13 June 1990) is an Indian Politician serving as Cabinet Minister of Tourism and Environment Government of Maharashtra.
- Aditya Chopra
Aditya Chopra (born 21 May 1971) is an Indian filmmaker.
- Aditya Mittal
- Aditya Pancholi
Aditya Pancholi (born Nirmal Pancholi; 4 January 1965) is an Indian film actor, producer and playback singer who appears in Bollywood films.
- Yogi Adityanath
Yogi Adityanath (born Ajay Mohan Bisht; 5 June 1972) is an Indian monk and Hindu nationalist politician serving as the 22nd and current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, in office since 19 March 2017.
He was appointed as the Chief Minister on 26 March 2017 after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won the 2017 State Assembly elections, in which he was a prominent campaigner.
- Aditya Narayan
Aditya Narayan (born 6 August 1987) is an Indian playback singer, television host and Bollywood actor.
- Aditya Assarat
Aditya Assarat (Thai: อาทิตย์ อัสสรัตน์, born 1972) is a Thai independent film director, screenwriter, producer and cinematographer.
- Aditya Kalyanpur
Aditya Kalyanpur (born 21 July 1978) is an Indian Tabla Maestro.
- Aditya Tare
Aditya Prakash Tare (Marathi: आदित्य तारे) (born 7 November 1987) is an Indian cricketer.
- Aditya Roy Kapur
Aditya Roy Kapur (born 16 November 1985) is an Indian film actor who works in Hindi films.
- Aditya Seal
Aditya Seal (born 22 March 1988) is an Indian model, film and television actor.
- Aditya Bhat
Aditya Bhat (born 30 October 1977, in Mumbai ) is an entrepreneur, a marketing consultant, a public speaker, a professor, and a creative content developer, who spent most of his life in the field of media/entertainment and marketing domains.
He is the founder of Business of Ideas which was established in the year 2011.
- Aditya Kumar
- Aditya Raj Kapoor
Aditya Raj Kapoor (born 1 July 1956) is an Indian film actor and filmmaker from the Kapoor family.
- Aditya Singh Rajput
Aditya Singh Rajput is an Indian television actor, who has done various TV commercials and roles in Hindi television shows and Bollywood films.
- Vishal Aditya Singh
Vishal Aditya Singh (born 25 January 1988) is an Indian television actor known for the portraying King Veerendra Pratap Singh in Chandrakanta, Tevar Singh in Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala, Lakhan Thakur in Begusarai and participating in Box Cricket League, Nach Baliye 9 .
- V. N. Aditya
- Aditya Dhar
Aditya Dhar is an Indian writer, director and lyricist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Aditya Numerology: Name Aditya has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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