What does the name Aden mean? What is the meaning of the name Aden
Meaning of Aden: Name Aden in the Gaelic origin, means Handsome, adorned. Name Aden is of Gaelic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Aden (Namesakes)
- Aden Gillett
- Ciise Aden Abshir
Ciise Aden Abshir (born 1 June 1986) is a Somali international footballer who has played in Norway, Malta and Tanzania in addition to his homeland.
- Aden Young
Aden Young (born November 30, 1971) is a Canadian-Australian actor.
- Aden Durde
Aden Durde (born July 10, 1979) is a former American football linebacker who is a current defensive coach with the Atlanta Falcons.
- Holger Aden
Holger Aden (born 25 August 1965) is a retired German football forward.
- Aden Flint
Aden Flint (born 11 July 1989) is an English professional footballer who plays as a defender for Championship club Cardiff City.
- Faisal Aden
Faisal Aden (born January 1, 1989) is a Somali professional basketball player.
- Jama Aden
Jama Mohamed Aden (born August 28, 1962) is a Somali former middle-distance runner and coach who ran for Fairleigh Dickinson University as well as representing Somalia throughout the 1980s.
- Ibrahim Mohamed Aden
Ibrahim Mohamed Aden (born November 11, 1972) is a Somali-American former middle-distance runner who represented Somalia in international competition until he gained US citizenship in 2000, after which he competed for the United States.
- Aden Chambers
Scott Beach (born November 15, 1983), also known by the ring name Aden Chambers, is an American semi-retired professional wrestler.
- Aden Ali Aden
Aden Ali Aden (Arabic: أدن علي أدن; born 27 September 1988) is a Somalian footballer.
- Halima Aden
Halima Aden (born September 19, 1997) is an American fashion model.
- Aden Baldwin
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Aden Numerology: Name Aden has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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