
What does the name Acton mean? What is the meaning of the name Acton?

Meaning of Acton: Name Acton in the English origin, means One who is placed or settled near the oak tree. Name Acton is of English origin and is a Boy name.

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One who is placed or settled near the oak tree
1 word with 5 characters
Pythagorean Numerology
Indian Vedic Numerology
Nakshatra (Birth Star)
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Meaning and Origin

Meaning and Origin
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Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ अरुण ]

Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ ARR-UHN ]


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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Acton: One who is placed or settled near the oak tree

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Famous people with name Acton (Namesakes)

  1. Loren Acton

    Loren Wilber Acton (born March 7, 1936) is an American physicist who flew on Space Shuttle mission STS-51-F as a Payload Specialist for the Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory.

  2. Anna Acton

    Anna Acton (born 29 January 1977) is an English actress who is best known for her roles as Rochelle Barratt, the wife of a borough commander, in the ITV television series The Bill, and DC Emma Summerhayes in the BBC One soap opera EastEnders.

  3. Keith Acton

    Keith Edward Acton (born April 15, 1958) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey centre who played 15 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) with the Montreal Canadiens, Minnesota North Stars, Edmonton Oilers, Philadelphia Flyers, Washington Capitals and New York Islanders between 1980 and 1994.

  4. Marv Acton

    Marv Acton (born February 3, 1944 in Porterville, California) is a former NASCAR driver.

  5. Brigitte Acton

    Brigitte Acton (born November 30, 1985 in Sault Ste.

  6. Dawn Acton

    Dawn Jean Acton (born 15 March 1977) is an English actress, known for portraying the role of Tracy Barlow in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street between 1988 and 1999.

  7. Bud Acton

    Charles R. "Bud" Acton (born January 11, 1942 in Troy, Michigan) is a retired American basketball player in the National Basketball Association.

  8. Alejandro Acton

    Alejandro José Acton (born June 3, 1972) is an Argentine professional racing cyclist.

  9. Edward Acton (academic)

    Professor Edward David Joseph Lyon-Dalberg-Acton FRHistS (born 4 February 1949) is a British academic and former Vice-Chancellor of the University of East Anglia.

  10. Will Acton

    William Kevin Acton (born July 16, 1987) is an American-born Canadian professional ice hockey player.

  11. Matt Acton

    Matthew Michael Acton is an Australian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Melbourne Victory.

  12. Brian Acton

    Brian Acton (born February 17, 1972) is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur.

  13. Jamie Acton

    Jamie Acton (born 4 April 1992 in London) is an English professional rugby league footballer who plays as a prop for the Swinton Lions in the Betfred Championship.

    He previously played in the ChampionshipFor Leigh Centurions Also Workington Town, and in League 1 for the Oldham, and the South Wales Scorpions (Under loan from the Wigan Warriors Academy).

  14. Ben Acton

    Ben Acton (born 2 December 1927) is an Australian ice hockey player.

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Krittika Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details

Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8

Baby Name Acton Numerology: Name Acton has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about name Acton

What is the meaning of Acton?
Name Acton means One who is placed or settled near the oak tree as per The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, largest baby names list. Learn more Acton Name Meaning and Origin.
What is the numerology of baby name Acton?
Name Acton has numerology 10 as per The ParentZ.
What is the lucky number of name Acton?
The lucky number of name Acton is 10 as per number numerology.
What is the length of Acton name?
The name Acton has 5 letters. The name Acton consists of 1 word with 5 characters.
What is the Nakshatra of Acton?
Name Acton belongs to Krittika nakshatra based on Indian Astrology or Janam Nakshatra as per the information available on The ParentZ.
Where does the name Acton come from?
Acton is a English name given to Boys as per The ParentZ.
What is the origin of the name Acton?
The name Acton is of English origin and is used within communities.
What does Acton mean?
Name Acton means One who is placed or settled near the oak tree as per The ParentZ
What does the name Acton mean?
Acton is of English origin and means One who is placed or settled near the oak tree as per The ParentZ
What is the meaning and origin of the baby name Acton?
Acton means One who is placed or settled near the oak tree and is a English name given to Boys as per The ParentZ
How can I suggest alternate meaning of the name Acton?
You can use our suggest meaning and origin form to suggest alternate meaning of the name Acton.