What does the name Abiodun mean? What is the meaning of the name Abiodun
Meaning of Abiodun: Name Abiodun in the Yoruba, Nigerian origin, means One born at the time of festival.. Name Abiodun is of Yoruba, Nigerian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Abiodun are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Abiodun (Namesakes)
- Oluwasegun Abiodun
Oluwasegun Abiodun (born 5 December 1984) is a Nigerian football striker who currently is free agent.
- Abiodun Baruwa
Abiodun Baruwa (born 16 November 1974 in Abuja) is a former Nigerian footballer in goalkeeper role.
- Abiodun Obafemi
Abiodun Obafemi (born 25 December 1973 in Lagos) is a Nigerian former professional footballer.
- Abiodun Agunbiade
Abiodun Agunbiade (born 2 January 1983) is a Nigerian former football player.
- Yemi Abiodun
Ayodeji Opeyemi "Yemi" Abiodun (born 29 December 1980) is an English retired professional footballer who played as a striker.
- Abiodun Williams
Abiodun Williams (born 1961) is an academic in conflict prevention, peacekeeping, and conflict management.
- Balogun Yakub Abiodun
- Abiodun Akande
Abiodun Akande (born 10 December 1993 in Ibadan, Oyo State) is a Nigerian football goalkeeper who plays for Sunshine Stars.
- Abiodun (musician)
Abiodun Odukoya (born 23 December 1972), better known as Abiodun, is a Nigerian-German singer, songwriter, producer and music arranger.
- Bode Abiodun
Bode Abiodun (born 10 September 1980) is a Nigerian table tennis player.
- Abiodun Alao
Abiodun Alao (born 1 April 1961) is a Nigerian academic and professor of African studies at King’s College London and the programme director of the African Leadership Centre.
- Abiodun Olujimi
Abiodun Christine Olujimi (born 25 December 1958) is a Nigerian politician.
- Sowemimo Abiodun
Sowemimo Abiodun Alex (born 25 December 1986) is a Nigerian media mogul.
- Abiodun Abioye
Abiodun Abioye (born 21 November 1992) is a Nigerian cricketer.
- Dapo Abiodun
Dapo Abiodun (born 29 May 1960) is a Nigerian businessman and politician, who is the Governor of Ogun State after winning the 2019 general elections under the platform of the All Progressive Congress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Abiodun Numerology: Name Abiodun has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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