What does the name Abdul latif mean? What is the meaning of the name Abdul latif
Meaning of Abdul latif: Name Abdul latif in the Arabic, Urdu origin, means Means servant of the faintly kind-hearted; the gentle one. Name Abdul latif is of Arabic, Urdu origin and is a Boy name. People with name Abdul latif are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Abdul latif: Means servant of the faintly kind-hearted; the gentle one
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Famous people with name Abdul latif (Namesakes)
- Abdul Latif Pedram
Abdul Latīf Pedrām (Persian: عبداللطيف پدرام; born 29 July 1963) is a politician and a Member of Parliament in Afghanistan.
- Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif
Mohd Zakry bin Abdul Latif (born 2 April 1983 in Negeri Sembilan) is a former Malaysian badminton player.
- Abdul Latif Helou
Abdul Latif Helou (Arabic: عبد اللطيف الحلو) is a Syrian football midfielder who played for Syria in the 1996 Asian Cup.
- Muhammad Abdul Latif Biswas
Muhammad Abdul Latif Biswas (born 11 January 1953) is a Bangladeshi politician, diplomat, and freedom fighter.
- Abdul Latif (cricketer)
Mohammad Abdul Latif (born 10 November 1939, Kamptee, Maharashtra, India), also known as Mohammad Abdul Latif Khan and M.A. Latif, is a former first-class cricketer for East Pakistan, a retired senior officer in the Bangladesh armed services, and a cricket administrator.
- Abdul Latif Romly
Abdul Latif Romly (born 31 March 1997 in Perlis, Malaysia) is a Malaysian Paralympian who broke T20 long jump world record 3 times on the same day and won Malaysia's third gold medal in September 11 at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
- Mohamad Arif Abdul Latif
- Abdul Latif Abbas
Abdul Latif Abbas (born 18 April 1953) is a Kuwaiti sprinter.
- Abdul Latif Al-Bulushi
Abdul Latif Al-Bulushi (born 4 November 1955) is an Omani sport shooter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Abdul latif Numerology: Name Abdul latif has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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