What does the name Abdul halim mean? What is the meaning of the name Abdul halim
Meaning of Abdul halim: Name Abdul halim in the Arabic, Urdu origin, means This Islam name means slave of the all-clement. Name Abdul halim is of Arabic, Urdu origin and is a Boy name. People with name Abdul halim are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Abdul halim: This Islam name means slave of the all-clement
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Famous people with name Abdul halim (Namesakes)
- Ahmad Fairuz Abdul Halim
Tun Ahmad Fairuz bin Sheikh Abdul Halim (born 1 November 1941) is a retired Malaysian lawyer who served as the fourth Chief Justice of Malaysia.
- Badrulzaman Abdul Halim
Badrulzaman Abdul Halim (born on 2 April 1978 Selangor) is a Malaysian footballer who is currently a goalkeeper.
- Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman
Dato' Haji Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman (born 10 November 1939) was the Member of the Parliament of Malaysia for the Pengkalan Chepa constituency in Kelantan from 2004 to 2013.
- Abdul Halim Zainal
Abdul Halim bin Zainal (born 29 July 1988 in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan) is a Malaysian footballer who plays for Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia Premier League.
He is the younger brother of former Malaysia international player, Faizal Zainal and Khairil Zainal.
He started to impress in 2010 season where he help Negeri Sembilan to reach Malaysian Cup final and win FA Cup.
- Nik Shahrul Azim Abdul Halim
Nik Mohd Shahrul Azim bin Abdul Halim (born 30 December 1990) is a Malaysian professional footballer who plays for Kuala Lumpur in the Malaysia Premier League.
- Abdul Halim (cricketer)
Abdul Halim (born 2 November 1998) is a Bangladeshi first-class and List A cricketer.
- Abdul Halim Saari
Abdul Halim bin Saari (born 14 November 1994) is a Malaysian professional footballer who plays as central midfielder for Malaysian club Selangor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Abdul halim Numerology: Name Abdul halim has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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