What does the name Abdu mean? What is the meaning of the name Abdu?
Meaning of Abdu: Name Abdu in the Arabic, African origin, means Worshipper of God. Name Abdu is of Arabic, African origin and is a Boy name. People with name Abdu are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Abdu (Namesakes)
- Mohammed Abdu
This article is mainly or partly translated from the Arabic Wikipedia
Mohammed Abdu (Arabic: محمد عبده; born June 12, 1949) is well-known Saudi singer all across the Middle East.
- Abdu Ali al Haji Sharqawi
- Abdu Kiar
Abdu Kiar (Amharic: አብዱ ኪያር; born 23 June 1976) is an Ethiopian singer.
- Abdu Conté
Abdu Cadri Conté (born 24 March 1998) is a footballer who plays for Moreirense F.C. as a defender.
- Lumala Abdu
Lumala Abdu (born 21 July 1997) is a Ugandan professional footballer who plays as a forward for Egyptian club Pyramids and the Uganda national team.
- Abdus Sattar Bhuiyan
Advocate Abdus Sattar Bhuiyan (born 16 January 1939) is a Bangladesh Nationalist Party politician and the incumbent Member of Parliament from Brahmanbaria-2 and a former Government Minister.
- Abdul Tebazalwa
Abdul Tebazalwa (born 30 September 1979) is a Ugandan boxer.
- Ahmed Abdu Jaber
Ahmed Abdu Jaber (Arabic: أحمد عبده جابر, Tigrinya: ኣህመድ ኣብዱ ጃበር, born 22 January 1996 in Jeddah) is an Eritrean professional footballer who plays as a Striker for Pro League side Al-Wehda.
- Abdus Sobhan Golap
Abdus Sobhan Golap (born 11 October 1956) is a Bangladesh Awami League politician and member of parliament from Madaripur-3.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Abdu Numerology: Name Abdu has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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