What does the name Abdallah mean? What is the meaning of the name Abdallah
Meaning of Abdallah: Name Abdallah in the Arabic, Persian origin, means the Servant of Allah. Name Abdallah is of Arabic, Persian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Abdallah are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Abdallah (Namesakes)
- Abdallah Bah
Abdallah Bah (born November 30, 1975) is a retired Guinean footballer.
- Nia Abdallah
Nia Nicole Abdallah (born January 24, 1984 in Houston, Texas) is the 2004 Olympic silver medalist and the first U.S. woman to officially medal in Taekwondo at the Olympics.
- Abdelwahab Abdallah
- Anna Abdallah
Anna Margareth Abdallah (born 26 July 1940) is a Tanzanian CCM politician and a special seat Member of Parliament.
- Kassim Abdallah
Kassim Abdallah Mfoihaia (born 9 April 1987) is a French-born Comorian professional footballer who plays for Athlético Marseille.
- Abdallah Shahat
Abdallah Shahat (born May 10, 1985) is an Egyptian football (soccer) player who plays as a Midfielder.
- Abdallah Gomaa
Abdallah Gomaa (Arabic: عبد الله جمعة; born 10 January 1996) is an Egyptian professional footballer who plays as a Left back for Egyptian Premier League club Zamalek and the Egypt national team.
On 11 December 2014, it was announced that his contract with Union Berlin had been dissolved.
- Aminu Abdallah
Aminu Abdallah (born 7 January 1994) is a Ghanaian professional footballer.
- Hamisi Abdallah
Hamisi Abdallah (born 28 October 1987) is a Tanzanian cricketer.
- Abdallah Ndour
Abdallah Ndour (born 20 December 1993) is a Senegalese professional footballer who plays for RC Strasbourg as a defender.
- Abdallah Imamo
Abdallah Imamo Ahmed (born 19 April 1993) is a Comorian international footballer who plays as a defender for Cherno More in Bulgaria.
- Abdallah Ali Mohamed
Abdallah Ali Mohamed (born 11 April 1999) is a Comorian footballer who plays for French club Marseille as a right back.
- Younis Abdallah
Younis Abdallah (born 15 October 1948) is a Kuwaiti sprinter.
- Iddrisu Abdallah
Iddrisu Abdallah (born 20 January 1996) is a Ghanaian football player.
- Hassan Abdallah
Hassan Abdallah (born 6 July 1996) is a Kenyan footballer who plays as a defender for Bandari and the Kenya national team.
- Laila Abdallah
Laila Abdullah Al-Faid (born in 8 January, 1996) is a Lebanese actress living in Kuwait, she is known for her roles in TV series broadcast in Persian Gulf region.
- Abdallah Aich
- Zouhair Abdallah
- Najla Ben Abdallah
Najla Ben Abdallah (Arabic: نجلاء بن عبد الله ,born June 16, 1980), is a Tunisian actress, model and flight attendant, best known for her role of Feriel in the Tunisian series Maktoub.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Abdallah Numerology: Name Abdallah has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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