What does the name Abbasi mean? What is the meaning of the name Abbasi?
Meaning of Abbasi: Name Abbasi in the Arabic origin, means being Stern, Frowning One. Name Abbasi is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Abbasi are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Abbasi (Namesakes)
- Sohaib Abbasi
Sohaib Abbasi (born August 14, 1956) is a Pakistani-American business executive, computer scientist and philanthropist.
- Shahid Khaqan Abbasi
Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (Urdu: شاہد خاقان عباسی; born 27 December 1958) is a Pakistani politician and businessman who served as the 21st Prime Minister of Pakistan from August 2017 to May 2018.
- Ansar Abbasi
Ansar Abbasi (Urdu: انصار عباسی) (born June 12, 1965), is a Pakistani right-wing commentator and columnist associated with The News International.
As one of Pakistan's most prominent journalists, Abbasi generally holds socially conservative and nationalist views.
- Kashif Abbasi
Kashif Abasi کاشِف عبّاسی is a Pakistani journalist, television talk show host and anchorperson based in Islamabad.
- Safdar Ali Abbasi
Safdar Ali Abbasi (Urdu: صفدر علی عباسی born 26 December 1957) is a Pakistani politician and physician.
- Fereydoon Abbasi
Fereydoon Abbasi-Davani (Persian: فریدون عباسی دوانی; born 11 July 1958) is an Iranian nuclear scientist who was head of the Atomic Energy Organization from 2011 to 2013.
- Shamoon Abbasi
Shamoon Abbasi (Urdu: شمعون عباسی; born 4 April 1973) is a Pakistani actor, director and screenwriter, better known for portraying villain roles.
- Mohammad Abbasi
:( (Persian: محمد عباسی, born 28 February 1958) is an Iranian politician who is the former minister of youth affairs and sports.
- Soulmaz Abbasi
Soulmaz Abbasi Azad (Persian: سولماز عباسی آزاد, born 19 January 1984 in Tehran) is an Iranian rower.
- Hanif Abbasi
Muhammad Hanif Abbasi (Urdu: محمد حنيف عباسى; born 4 January 1966) is a businessman and politician of Pakistan Muslim League (N).
- Murtaza Javed Abbasi
Murtaza Javed Abbasi (Urdu: مرتضٰی جاوید عباسی; born 15 March 1970) is a Pakistani politician who has been a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan, since August 2018.
- Amanullah Abbasi
The Honourable Justice (R) Amanullah Abbasi (Urdu: امان اللہ عباسی; born 4 April 1935, dead 15 August 2013), Barrister-at-Law, is one of the most respected names of Pakistani judiciary.
- Hamza Ali Abbasi
Hamza Ali Abbasi (Urdu/Punjabi: حمزہ علی عباسی; born 23 June 1984) is a Pakistani film and television actor and director.
- Aram Abbasi
Aram Abbasi (Persian: آرام عباسی); is an Iranian Football Defender who currently plays for the Iranian football club Padideh in the Iran Pro League.
- Mustafa Zaman Abbasi
Mustafa Zaman Abbasi (born 8 December 1936) is a Bangladeshi musicologist.
- Kamil Al-Abbasi
Kamil Al-Abbasi (born 28 February 1950) is a Saudi Arabian sprinter.
- Nusrat Seher Abbasi
Nusrat Bano Sehar Abbasi is a Pakistani politician who is a Member of the Provincial Assembly of Sindh, from 2008.
- Ahsan Abbasi
Ahsan Abbasi (born 24 August 1994) is a Hong Kong cricketer.
- Zain Abbasi
Zain Abbasi (born 22 April 1987) is a Botswana cricketer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Abbasi Numerology: Name Abbasi has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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